Angie the cold hands of death took u away from us without fear yesterday but little did it know dat it set you free from dis evil world.I cried uncontrollably but I was consoled by the tot of seeing you on judgement day. Adiue a great director. Betty chikwendu.
Dear God, please tell me how you mark your list. What is your criteria for selecting who goes next? They say I shouldn't question you, so this isn't a question: people deserve to die, but certainly not Angela Osibu. What the fuck were you thinking? Jerome Adie
Blak Xmas 4 all true cutasans... RIP Osibu Angela,director of d play "Red is d freedom road". Such a painful exit. NNACHI FIDELIS
(in tears)She was not just a senior colleague,but a lady i really respected.This is a real tragedy(weeps)... NTA ISAIAH
EACH NITE I LAY DOWN TO PRAY, I REMEMBER SO MAMY WILL DO D SAME. . .BUT WON'T SEE D MORNIN SUN LIK WIT ME. . . LIFE and DEATH, wat a game of LUCK. SISTA ANGELA OSIBU, a mother, a thespian,a family and everytin a brother needs in a sister. . . EWAH GEORGE
I'm hearing Angela!!! God you know best I really can't question you, may their souls rest in perfect peace. DAPH UG
Der is nothing i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ dis life! Its all vanity! Did i̶̲̥̅̊t have 2 be Aunty Angela? God why? I Ju̶̲̥̅̊§t̶̲̥̅ cant stop crying... Rest i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace aunty Angela...Christabel Ekpe
Angela Ejah/Osibu, may ur soul find love in the very heart of the creator. You will be missed and always be in our heart too cause we love you and we you are happier whereva you are! Adieu dear friend. MAGERAT GEORGE
Angie is just morethan a friend,i can remember vividly her kind gestures and her magnamity nature....oh death where is thy sting! We miss you. ALEX AJAH
i thought she was comin back to see me as she had promised,only to recieve d shockin news today. I find it hard to believe she is gone. I will miss her.KANU MAUREEN
hmmmmmmmm,na wa oooooooooooooooh!its so sad,y all dis now?may her grt soul rst in peacE.cryin,cryin,cryin... FIONA COLE