Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2013 Common wealth Youth Awards

The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) is pleased to invite nominations for the 2013 Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work. Do you know any young person making a positive difference to the lives of other people in your community or country? Nominate them!


CYP is looking for young people whose development work reflects the Commonwealth’s Plan for Youth Empowerment to:

Promote youth participation in decision making
Promote the economic empowerment of young people
Take action for equality between young men and women
Promote peaceful and democratic environments in which human rights flourish
Provide quality education for all
Improve access to information and communication technology
Promote health, development and values through sports and culture
Engage young people to protect the environment
Nomination Requirements

The nominee must have been engaged in development work for more than 12 months, either in a professional or voluntary capacity;

The development work must be ongoing and taking place in a Commonwealth Country;
The nominee should not be older than 29 on 31 December 2013.
Individuals cannot nominate themselves in a personal capacity;
The winners must agree to take part in publicity generated by the Commonwealth.
For more information and to nominate go to www.yourcommonwealth.org. PATT OGAR

Saturday, April 6, 2013


On Sunday 14th of April 2013, all roads would be leading to STUDIO 29 – Africa Fashion Week London’s first concession store in Nigeria.

Studio 29 opened its doors late 2012 for a press briefing.  Africa Fashion Week London’s concession store is now ready to have an official opening inviting press, bloggers, media and celebrites.

One of the celebrities attending would be female rapper EVA ARLORDIAH, Studio 29′s brand ambassador. Some of the brands in stock are Adebayo Jones, AsakeOge, Zebra Living, Kola Kuddus, Violet Couture, Madmoiselle Aglaia, Nene Kester and many more.

To get an invite to the opening simply send an email to studio29@africafashionweeklondon.com

Venue: 29 Opebi road, Ikeja,

Time: 1.30pm – 6pm

Read more about Studio 29here.  You can also view some STUDIO 29 pictures here.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


HE IS YOUNG AND single Let's meet you I'm Finest uwaoma nwazue. The fifth child in a family of eight. i Accepted the urge to be an artist at early stage of my life. A theatre artist by practice and profession. I Have extra ordinary passion for film directing. I Lectures film production in the department of theatre arts, university of Maiduguri. Who inspire u? At a very early stage my elder sister Enyichi Nkasi inspired me, introduced and exposed me to drama. But as I went into Theatre Arts, I tripped for a boss who could do so many things -direct, act, and teach theatre Arts -late Rev.Dr. Agbo Let's talk about the people who inspire you? Beyond the people I mentioned, I discovered that class theories are not it, so I got glued to Ben Williams- lens strokes who thought me more practically in both directing, camera and editing. I won't forget Barr. Kayode Ojinaka. The journey 2 movie industry? The journey to movie industry is "easy" the zeal lead me to produce my first film even before coming to theatre Arts, directed by kayode Ojinnaka, later I did ‘red junction’ directed by a senior colleague Emmanuel Eyaba. I did all these because I know my time to call the shot has not come. I did some jobs almost free just to express my passion for movie directing. I used my school fees to rent HDV camera just to express the bubbling knowledge in movie. ah! I have won 1 shirt for ten days because I went to location unexpectedly to do continuity and was turned into a director. The journey was rough but persistence pays. Tell us about your inner straight Talking about my inner strength, as I was shooting in March, an elderly man approached me and asked me " why is it that you don't get tired? My reply was" I look at the smile after the job not the stress". And am sure God is my uttermost strength. If you had the chance to change/meet one person in Nigeria, who would it be and why? If I have the chance meet one person, I will that person that can being Izu Ojukwu, Teco Benson, Ben Williams and Lancelot Immasuen together. My reason being that they have survived in the midst of much quarks and need to be encouraged and appreciated. What influenced your career choice? Two major things influenced my career choice. One is God and two is association. I wanted to be a lawyer but God have better plans for me. My interest in drama was high but never thought I will study it before practice. So God spoke to me to study theatre. The second influence came from those I associated with. Like I said earlier, my elder sister took me like a handbag as she journed in the world of drama. Again my contact with late Rev Agbo who did not just teach but also mentored me. I saw myself being surrounded by lecturers to the extent that when did my NYSC with Igbinedion University, I thought some courses. So the ground was prepared to be a lecturer as well as a film maker. Your saddest moment? Unfortunately my saddest moment seems to be unforgettable. My mentor died on a Monday and I got my appointment as a lecturer the next day. Your personal style? My personal life style is simplicity. Sometimes i have tried to wear another person’s shoe but it never worked. I believe people accept me when am simple, natural, local if you like and straight forward. I have become a child to many so that I will win them. But I must confess, I have learnt not to kill myself because of any challenge in life. Most important person in your life? This question is bit difficult for me to answer. Well if God is a person, I would have said God. I think am still looking for someone to top the list because the last one left. Your goals n ambitions My Ambition is simple. Not just to make classic movies but to produce classic movie makers who will do more than I can imagine. To have PhD in cinematography soonest. One advice to youth out there? Spend your time and money to learn what you want to do. Persistence doesn't have alternative. Always see success in the midst of frustration if not you will quit along the way. How do you unwind? You might be surprised to know that chilled coke gives me relief. But after the job, an intimate chart with an intimate heart makes me calm. Posted By: Patt Ogar

3rd edition of the Abuja Synergy Nite

Abuja Synergy nite is every Thursday at Nanet suites beside Thisday doom... fee: Free posted by: Patt Ogar

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.