Monday, April 28, 2014



1)You are a QUEEN. You deserve a KING.So why do you keep messing with these JOKERS ?

2) Perhaps the reason you keep attracting dogs is because you keep wagging your tail ! Stop Wagging it !!

3) It’s hard for the Guys to see that inspirational part of you…Why?? your half-naked body is blocking his view!

4) You have a half-naked picture on your profile and then act surprised and offended when Guys step to you sexually…Like seriously ?

5) Stop sending mixed signals…it only confuses men.

6) If he doesn’t respect you as his fiancée, what makes you think he will respect you as his wife ? # RUN

7) If he’s cheating now, what makes You think marriage will change that ?

8) Why fight over a man? If he’s not willing to fight for you…is he really worth the fight ?

9) The Bible never says “girlfriends submit to your boyfriends”. The HUSBAND is the head of the WIFE. If he’s not your husband…he’s not your head!

10) You need to decide if you want to go home with him tonight or for life. One usually precludes the other. A real man takes You to the altar first not his bedroom

11) Why would you settle for anyone’s side dish…? you deserve to be the whole meal !

12) That thin line around the 4th finger on his left hand is NOT a birthmark…he’s married! Open your eyes You are dating a married man!

13) There ARE good men out there, but no perfect ones. Make sure your “standards” are based on reality.

Friday, April 25, 2014

GoD Help my Country

To Mum,she's an Angel! To Dad, a Princess! To Brothers, a Priceless Jewel,To Sisters, a Best Friend! To Aunties and Uncles an Adorable Sweet Child!!! I am certain everyone reading this has one! A girl child, a joy to the world! To be pampered, protected and loved! Over 200 of this precious ones abducted and taken away from their loved ones, forced to become Sex Slaves,Cooks, Maids, and every unimaginable thing to Dark, Evil, Demented, Dirty TERRORISTS!

What a Tragedy! Yes, they seem far away in Borno born to Poor Ordinary People BUT just like you, to them these gals are Princesses, Angels, Priceless Jewels and Sweet Adorable Nieces! Don't be numb to the Pain.

7days and counting and still no word! No Daily Progress Report or any kind of info from the Govt! This is Unacceptable ! I cannot launch a Rescue Mission and neither can You but Our Government can! The bucks stops at their table ! Let's come together and demand Action.  Say a prayer and keep talking about it Until the Federal Govt takes action and brings them home! Don't do it for me, do it for the Girl Child in your life!
Government pease we ned answers

Saturday, April 19, 2014


up from the grave He arose, whatever is ur due portion in life that was held back is released to you on the Resurrection morning.

Patt Ogar Eyaba

Tips For Relationship

Kingsley Chuks
Reasons Why Some African Ladies End Up Single For Life........... ...!

Well he is free to his opinion but we still have to learn from his view!!!

1. Stop Giving Your Number Out To Every Dick & Harry! No man would want to propose marriage to a lady whose phone is always talking and laughing with unserious calls. You may not be a playgirl, but he would judge you as one, and will likely flee at the slightest chance or disagreement.

2. Excessive makeup turns most decent and serious-minded men off- if you have observed, you will discover that most men dislike excessive makeup, and more don’t even like it at all; reason they often times discourage their true loved ones to do away with it cos it speaks ill of a lady even though so many men will applaud and complement you for looking like an Egyptian mummy. A slight makeup is okay; but if you are out for marriage, try always to look simple and natural, it will attract better men, decent and serious-minded, except you are still living in your high school life and not thinking towards marriage.

3. You Give Everything Out During Dating- As a single lady who has not been taken to the altar, you need to reserve some things for your husband to be, especially your body, respect it and preserve it at all cost. In the past, men rushed to marry to get certain things or privileges they had been constantly denied while being single. Such privileges include and not limited to: constant sex and companionship, good food and tidied home, etc. But today, a single man gets even the best and of course more of constant sex, good food and excellent home- keeping more than his married counterparts, so tell me how the hell you want him to desire to marry you when you have given him virtually everything he desires from a wife while being his girlfriend? And the most painful part of it all is that he knows that you are prepared to cut down on sex supply, cooking, home-keeping, etc once he marries you, so why would he not want you to remain his girlfriend for life?

4. You Package Yourself Wrongly- in your attempt to look sexy, adorable and maybe appealing to guys, you have derailed from appealing to appalling. In fact you look more whorish than modest; more distractive than attractive, and more disgusting than adorable. Your dressing style determines who gets attracted to you most times. If you dress high school, only high school-thinking guys will be attracted to you, and if you dress excessively sexy and provocative, only randy men will come to you for urgent satisfaction of their immediate sex urge, so don’t be fooled by media hyping of certain kinds of dressing, they are meant for certain set of ladies you wouldn't like to be associated with, be careful. Remember, not all clothes that look sexy are good for a seriously searching for a soul mate single lady.

5. Your Friends Run Your Life- how do you expect to find a husband when you still allow your clique of friends to be dictating which man you meet is worthy of your love and which is not? When will you wake up and face the fact that those your best friends even though they cherish you, wouldn't want you to marry before them or to marry the best man?

6. Many African ladies now dislike cooking and home chores just because they had been totally brainwashed by movies showcasing men playing the role of women in a family, and due to excessive exposure to modern media that promotes gender-equality in a destructive way that’s aimed at destroying the unique African family setting that made our previous African marriages everlasting and envious to the westerns. Now, with this attitude, how do you expect a African man to desire to marry when he knows he is only buying more headache and trouble than helper for himself?

There is no gainsay that some guyz are just difficult to please. Every rule has its exceptions. Be decent, be modest. Men love Simplicity and Sincerity. Boys love Flambouyance and Extravegance. Don't be gullible by the foreign culture on the media. Be a Lady that attracts Men,not Boys.

Easter message to the nation from President Jonathan


Easter message from Mr President..
Dear Compatriots,
I greet you all, especially our Christian brothers and sisters who are celebrating Easter and commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ today. 
As we join Christians in other countries of the world in celebrating Easter this year, I urge all Nigerians to reflect on the significance of its lessons of piety, obedience to higher authorities, self sacrifice for the good of others, redemption, salvation, deliverance, renewal and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
These lessons of Easter and other injunctions on brotherly love, peaceful co-existence, tolerance, honesty, humility, justice, equity and fairness to all without discrimination contained in the Gospels are of particular importance to us as a nation as we continue to contend with the challenges of nation-building and development.

As our Christian compatriots celebrate the Messiah’s   triumph over death and all that it connotes, let us all renew our faith and confidence in our ability as a people to overcome all obstacles, challenges and threats to national progress and well-being, including terrorism and other criminal attacks on our people in some parts of the country.

My belief in our ability to overcome all retrogressive and divisive forces in our midst and build a strong, united and prosperous nation by turning our unique diversity into a source of strength remains unshaken and we will continue to work with all interest groups and stakeholders in the country to achieve the peaceful, secure and politically stable conditions essential for rapid socio-economic development.

In spite of the evil machinations of terrorists, criminals and their collaborators, our Administration remains ardently focused on efforts to successfully execute the Federal Government’s Agenda for National Transformation and achieve sustained development.

We have already made notable advances in this regard. As a result of our efforts and those of previous administrations, the Nigeria economy is now the largest in Africa and the 26th largest in the world.

But we cannot afford to rest on our oars. Much remains to be done and we will continue to count on the patriotic support of all Nigerians as we strive to achieve more inclusive economic growth, generate more national wealth and create more employment opportunities to meet the demands of our increasingly youthful population.

I commend the leadership and delegates to the ongoing National Conference, the vast majority of who have shown a patriotic and praiseworthy commitment to national unity, peace and progress built on justice, fairness and equity for all component parts of the country.

As the Conference breaks into committees to continue its deliberations, it remains our hope and expectation that the end result will be meaningful and enduring contributions towards strengthening national unity and fulfilling our collective desire for a better and greater nation.

Once again, I extend heartfelt commiserations to all the families who have sadly lost loved relatives in recent terrorist attacks.

Our thoughts and sympathies remain with all those who have suffered injuries from the heinous attacks. We  pray for their speedy recovery and shall keep on doing everything possible to assist them with required medical services and material support.

Our Armed Forces and security agencies will continue to do their very best to curb such attacks and restore full security to all parts of our beloved country.

But we must all become more alert and vigilant, and do all that we can to give them the fullest possible assistance, support and cooperation they require to achieve more effective protection of lives and property across the country.

We shall continue to count on your support and prayers for greater peace, harmony, progress and prosperity in Nigeria.

May God Almighty bless our dear nation and guide us, always.
Happy Easter to you all.
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR
President, Federal Republic of Nigeria 

Primate Ayodele Foresees More Bomb Blasts...


Founder, Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church, Oke Afa, Isolo, Lagos, Primate Ayodele whose predictionsare said to always come to pass has revealed in a recent interview that there will be more bomb blasts in the nation.

He said since security intelligence does not recognise prophecy, bloodletting will continue.
According to him, there are moles in the Presidency, the Senate, House Of Representatives, SSS, Nigeria Police Force, the Army, Air Force and the Navy who give information to these terrorists and President Jonathan knows who they are but is afraid to stand up to them, adding that their next targets are shopping malls and markets.

He explained that with prayers, these problems can be solved but the nation’s leaders have soiled their hands in evil acts and they derive pleasure in the shedding of blood.
He said, “If Jonathan comes back 100 times to rule this country, he won’t be able to solve the problems. He does not listen to the voice of God, flattery and deceit are good music to him. When you praise him he is always happy. Most of the pastors he goes to are afraid to tell him the truth. There is red signal all over the country.”

-On the confab, he said they will speak the mind of the people and make recommendations but the government will not listen.

-On the political situation in the country, he said members of the All Progressives Congress, -APC will defect to PDP before the 2015 elections and if APC refuses to give Muhammadu Buhari the ticket to contest the presidency he will quit, adding that there will be no elections in some state.
He called on all governors to pray so as not to lose four of their own to the cold hands of death.

-On the abducted students, he said they will come out unhurt.

-Speaking on Super Eagles and the world cup, he said they will try but they won’t get to the semi-final and Coach Stephen Keshi will quit coaching them after the World Cup.

-On the missing Malaysian flight, he said the Malaysian government should be held responsible because they know its whereabouts.culled

Friday, April 18, 2014

Bad Marital Habits To Avoid

 Worst Marital Habits To Avoid

If you find yourself doing any of these things, consider changing your behavior or getting counseling.

1. You place social media above real communication. This can be a big problem, especially with younger couples. Feeling that you’ve discussed something because you’ve texted, or because it’s on Facebook is not the same as actually communicating. Spending your free time surfing Facebook, Bbm, Instagram or Twitter when you could be having “face time” with your partner is a bad choice.

2. You start a fight after a bad night’s sleep. Whether it’s bad night’s sleep, trouble at work, lack of s*x, or being ill or in pain; nothing is a good excuse for fighting. When you’re cranky it’s your responsibility to be aware of that and ask for some extra space, or find a way to take care of yourself. If you let your partner know it’s a difficult day, that gives him or her a chance to be more thoughtful and considerate than usual…but every day can’t be a bad day, so if you’re always cranky, take a look at your lifestyle, and what you need to improve.

 3. You talk money all the time. Money is important, and I rarely see this problem in the couples I deal with. Most of the time, it’s that they don’t talk money enough, and problems are discovered too late. If your spouse thinks you talk about money too much, pay attention. Are you obsessed? Or do you need some information about how to have effective money talks? Financial planning is very important for a happy marriage, but financial nagging and haranguing aren’t the ways to go about it. 4. You’re too attached to your phone. Try this. Leave your phones at home the next time you go out to dinner, and see how much better the conversation between you is. I know the phone is tempting and easy, but don’t let it seduce you into neglecting your relationship and your partner. If you can’t control it, set times when you turn it off so you can focus on an important family discussion or romance. 5. You allow the in-laws to take control. This can be a big problem. You and your partner are your primary family now. You need to discuss your in-laws and how to set boundaries with them. If your families have different styles and traditions, negotiate with each other first, then present a united front to your families. It’s time to “put away childish things” and change your relationship to your parents and siblings. It’s important to be close to them, but not at the expense of your relationship. 6. You apologize instead of compromising. If you’re apologizing too much, consider that your partner may be abusive. If you did it before this relationship, then it’s a self-esteem issue. Either way, it’s a good time to go for therapy and get it sorted out. You need to learn how to stand your ground when it’s appropriate. Apology can be a good thing, a way to heal small rifts between you, but not if it’s all one-sided. 7. You don’t have time for fun. This is a common, chronic problem for Americans today. We value work, and don’t see the importance of recreation but, you need your down time, too. If all the fun goes out of your marriage or your life, you won’t be a happy camper. Hark back to your dating days to see what you used to do for fun, and schedule time for some of that. 8. You use work to avoid problems at home. Yes, work is easy. You usually know what you need to do , usually it’s finite tasks with a goal. Relationship problems are much messier, you can’t control them by yourself, and you must have the maturity and mutual respect it takes to work together to solve them. Consider problems at home to be just another task, like jobs at work. Your mate is your team partner, and you need to create a strategy for working together to solve them. 9. You forget the small signs of love. Ah, so very important. Affection, politeness, and everyday sweetness are the WD-40 of your relationship. They make everything run smoother. Try a little sweetness or tenderness, and see what happens. Everything gets easier.   Source:

Mothers Are Special

Mothers are so special
Time to celebrate them!

This story begins when I was a
child: I was born poor. Often we
hadn't enough to eat. Whenever
we had some food, Mother often
gave me her portion of rice.
While she was transferring her
rice into my bowl, she would say
"Eat this rice, son! I'm not
This was Mother's First Lie.

As I grew, Mother gave up her
spare time to fish in a river near
our house; she hoped that from
the fish she caught, she could
give me a little bit more
nutritious food for my growth.
Once she had caught just two
fish, she would make fish soup.
While I was eating the soup,
mother would sit beside me and
eat the what was still left on the
bone of the fish I had eaten, My
heart was touched when I saw it.
Once I gave the other fish to her
on my chopstick but she
immediately refused it and said,
"Eat this fish, son! I don't really
like fish."
This was Mother's Second Lie.

Then, in order to fund my
education, Mother went to a
Match Factory to bring home
some used matchboxes, which
she filled with fresh matchsticks.
This helped her get some money
to cover our needs. One wintry
night I awoke to find Mother
filling the matchboxes by
candle light. So I said,"Mother, go
to sleep; it's late: you can
continue working tomorrow
morning." Mother smiled and
said "Go to sleep, son! I'm not
This was Mother's Third Lie.

When I had to sit my Final
Examination, Mother
accompanied me. After dawn,
Mother waited for me for hours
in the heat of the sun. When the
bell rang, I ran to meet her..
Mother embraced me and
poured me a glass of tea that she
had prepared in a thermos. The
tea was not as strong as my
Mother's love, Seeing Mother
covered with perspiration, I at
once gave her my glass and
asked her to drink too. Mother
said "Drink, son! I'm not thirsty!".
This was Mother's Fourth Lie.

After Father's death, Mother had
to play the role of a single parent.
She held on to her former job;
she had to fund our needs alone.
Our family's life was more
complicated. We suffered from
starvation. Seeing our family's
condition worsening, my kind
Uncle who lived near my house
came to help us solve our
problems big and small. Our
other neighbours saw that we
were poverty stricken so they
often advised my mother to
marry again. But Mother refused
to remarry saying "I don't need
This was Mother's Fifth Lie.

After I had finished my studies
and gotten a job, it was time for
my old Mother to retire but she
carried on going to the market
every morning just to sell a few
vegetables. I kept sending her
money but she was stead fast
and even sent the money back to
me. She said, "I have enough
That was Mother's Sixth Lie.

I continued my part-time studies
for my Master's Degree. Funded
by the American Corporation for
which I worked, I succeeded in
my studies. With a big jump in
my salary, I decided to bring
Mother to enjoy life in America
but Mother didn't want to bother
her son; she said to me"I'm not
used to high living."
That was Mother's Seventh Lie.

In her dotage, Mother was
attacked by cancer and had to be
hospitalized. Now living far
across the ocean, I went home to
visit Mother who was bed ridden
after an operation. Mother tried
to smile but I was heart broken
because she was so thin and
feeble but Mother said,"Don't cry,
son! I'm not in pain."
That was Mother's Eighth Lie.

Telling me this, her eighth lie, she


M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the Million things she
gave me,
"O" means Only that she's
growing old,
"T" is for the Tears she shed to
save me,
"H" is for her Heart of gold,
"E" is for her Eyes with love-light
shining in them,
"R" means Right, and right she'll
always be,
Put them all together, they spell

Nigerian and Politics

A write by one of my lecturer, just thought should share it here...

Liwhu Betiang

It's strange the way public policy gets confused with personal political ends in Nigeria: Hundreds of innocent people are slaughtered everyday including children who of course are our future, and all we see and hear is national security meetings and crocodile tears being shed in hospital visits by publicity-hungry Nigerians. 
Beyond this national hypocrisy a political party whose bigwigs have long sworn to make Nigeria ungovernable if they did not win elections, refuses to attend the national security meeting. This action might mean that they have seen through government's apathy towards the mass massacres or the party is simply living up to its sworn objectives by appearing to be behind these mass killers. I hope the government-selected national conference is watching. What price must Nigerians pay for a one Nigeria? 



All the pains, beatings and bruises Christ suffered were VOLUNTARY. He decided to take up our sufferings and pains even before we were born. He could have chosen not to, but His unending love for you and I made Him to offer Himself as a sacrifice that we may live a victorious life.

Christ has paid the price for all the sins you committed and the ones you haven’t committed even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb. His mercies are new every morning. Don’t let the devil fool you into believing that your sins are grievous and enormous that Jesus won’t save you, if you’ll accept Him, He’ll forgive your sins, cleanse you and relate with you as though, you’ve committed NO sin.

I personally feel that Jesus’ greatest joy is to forgive people of their sins, and give them the gift of salvation through the powers of Redemption. No wonder the Bible says Heaven rejoices at the salvation of souls.

Truth is, the joy that comes with salvation is better experienced, not expressed.

This season affords you the opportunity to deeply reflect on the essence of Christ (Salvation) and choose to serve Him henceforth.

Don’t be deceived, there is no other name given to man on earth by which a man can be saved, except by the name of JESUS (Oh how powerful is the name!)

No matter how horrible you feel your life is or how terrible your sins are, always remember that mercy awaits you at the Cross.The blood that Jesus shed at Calvary, this day, over 2000 years ago is still potent and will forever be. Tap into the powers in that blood and start to experience an exhilarating life in Christ Jesus.

May the power in this blood make you whole and perfect all that concerns you.

Jesus is Lord

Ways To increase your self-Esteem

By Rachel Dack

One of the ways to overcome this is by developing and maintaining a positive relationship with yourself and increasing your self-esteem. This involves tuning into and taking care of your own needs, accepting your strengths and weaknesses, recognizing your positive qualities and making choices that enhance your personal wellbeing.

Here are ten tips to increase your self-esteem:

1. Use positive self-talk and be your own cheerleader. Change thoughts such as “I’m a loser” or “I always mess things up” to statements that are more positive and encouraging. Tell yourself you can handle it and support yourself in going after your goals.

2. Engage in regular physical activity. Regular exercise fends off depression, low energy and disease while increasing stress management abilities and enhancing your mood.

3. Take care of your needs. Be good to yourself by getting adequate sleep, taking care of your personal hygiene, creating time to be alone, saying no when you need to, eating in nutritious ways, stimulating your mind and connecting with others.

4. Let the little things go. When feeling insecure, it is likely that you will look back on interactions, conversations and experiences and wish you could change something you said or did. You may wonder if you represented yourself well or if you said the wrong thing. These tendencies easily create anxiety and self-judgment. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and let these thoughts pass. It is healthy to reflect for personal growth, but damaging to your health to beat yourself up over every little thing.

5. Own who you are. Give yourself permission to like what you like and not like what you don’t like. It’s completely okay to be an extrovert, introvert or somewhere in between, enjoy chocolate ice cream but despise vanilla or prefer to hang out in smaller groups instead of big crowds. Be uniquely you and be proud!

6. Practice self-acceptance by exploring who you are and recognizing all of your qualities, even if they don’t feel positive in nature. Without judging yourself for your weaknesses, get to know yourself. Let go of any need to be perfect.

7. Be creative to help your brain function more efficiently and effectively. Creativity helps you achieve a greater sense of wellbeing and gain better control of your thoughts. Try doodling, sketching, writing, listening to or playing music. Visiting museums, reading, starting a new hobby, going to concerts or changing a habit are other ways to tap into your creativity.

8. Have a grateful and optimistic attitude about life, which naturally brings hope, happiness and confidence. Practice daily gratitude by writing down three parts of your day you are grateful for, writing down two lessons you learned from the day or three qualities you are proud of in yourself.

9. Have personal integrity and live by your values. You will feel better about your life if you feel good about your choices and actions while listening to your inner voice. This may include setting appropriate boundaries by saying no when you need to, not gossiping, speaking with kindness and using your intuition.

10. Participate in meaningful activities. Make time for your hobbies, get involved in your community, take a class on a topic of interest or join a local group. Following your passion and engaging in healthy interactions with others are important for your self-esteem.

Remember, our attitudes and feelings about ourselves have significant effects on our happiness and quality of life.

Happy Easter

Happy Good friday

I will be talking about a lots of different things from now on
Get ready for  a good ride


30-Year Old Chinese Blogger Jailed For 3 Years For Spreading Rumour

A Chinese blogger Qin Zhihui, 30,who was accused of spreading rumours about the governmentand celebrities has become the first blogger to be jailed since the government decided to crackdown on online bloggers .He was slammed with a 3 year jail sentence for 'rumour mongering'. According to China Post,they claim Qin & his 3 colleagues spread false reports that a foreign victim of the 2011 train crash received a £24million in compensation while denying equal payment to Chinese families. The post was reposted more than 11,000 times with over 3,000 comments all lashing out at the government. 

They also claim he sensationalized his headlines to drive traffic to websites,targeting public figures, such as retired major general Luo Yan, television personality Yang Lan , and Zhang Haidi, an advocate for the disabled.During his final judgement, he said "I don't want to defend myself .I just want to say that I hope my experience is a lesson to other micro-bloggers.".

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In a bid to sanitise the industry and make practitioners more professional, the Directors’ Guild of Nigeria (DGN)’s members have undertaken a trip to Denver, Colorado, USA, for a training session, which would invariably make them better at their jobs.

Movie directors on the trip include Kingsley Omoefe, Desmond Elliot, Ikechukwu Onyeka, Sunny Mcdon, Andy Amenechi, Taiwo Oduala, Chika Onu, Chekwas Onwuchekwa, Tope Ogun, Sunday Ogunbiyi, Chima Okereke, Eliel Otote, Uzo Okpechi, Obi Okoli, Paul Apel, Emmanuel Eyaba, Ugo Nwafor, Newton Barabara, Charles Biriabebe, Mike Ogundu, Femi Abatan, Sola Fregene, and Emasealu Emmanuel.

culled from: E24-7

21 Year Old Dies After Collision With Jeep Whilst Trying To Reply A Whatsapp Message!!

According to Deustch Magazine RuhrNachricten This happened in February but they are just reporting it because the message is timeless and will serve as a warning to those of you who are guilty of what killed this young woman.

According to the report filed as cause of her death....''It was just a short moment that ended her life.She was driving and received a Whats app message and in that moment she looked at her phone or probably tried to reply and took off her gaze off the road,she missed seeing a Jeep and had a head on collision with it.

The passengers of the Landrover, a man and his wife suffered severe life threatening injuries and had to be airlifted to the Hospital.

They are presently out of danger list..

Colorado Film School teaches Nigerian directors

After Hollywood and "Bollywood" in India, Nigeria is listed as having the third largest filmmaking industry in the world, according industry publications.

 KUSA - After Ike Onyeka had made more than 20 films in Nigeria, he realized something was missing from his work. He wanted a refinement that he can get from only a top international film school. Onyeka found one in Colorado.
"It's one of those few film schools where you find out that they combine academics with the hands-on," Nigerian movie director Onyeka said.
Onyeka first came to the Colorado Film School in 2012. He liked his experienced so much that he approached the film school's director, Frederic Lahey, about bringing the top directors in Nigeria to the school within the Community College of Aurora system.
"If my mindset could be changed, I think then it could also happen to any one of us," Onyeka said.
Lahey spent the next three years working with the U.S. government and the Nigerian government to create an opportunity for filmmakers in Nigeria to improve their craft.
"If I can create a place where it's a democratic access to the means of expression, then that's a worthy endeavor," Lahey said.
After Hollywood and "Bollywood" in India, Nigeria is listed as having the third largest filmmaking industry in the world, according industry publications. It's informally referred to as "Nollywood."
But, the numbers don't necessarily match the quality. So, Lahey worked out a deal for the core of the Directors Guild of Nigeria to come to the Colorado Film School for an intensive three week session which contains about two years worth of instruction.
"We need to take a step above where we are right now to international best practices," Andy Amenechi, president of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, said.
The Colorado Film School is ranked as one the top 25 film schools in the world by The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Amenechi met with officials with the federal government in Nigeria which issued the directors a grant to come to the United States. He says this learning experience may change the Nigerian film industry forever.
"It's going to be a revolution," Amenechi said. "I foresee a different style, a different professional input into filmmaking from this program."
Twenty three of Nigeria's top directors are attending classes at the Colorado Film School through April 18. The plan is to have them take what they have learned and share with it other filmmakers from around Nigeria and Africa.
"It's a milestone," Onyeka said. "Every one of us is gathering enough information and knowledge that we're going to take back home."
Lahey says this is part of what the Colorado Film School is all about.
"Nothing would move me more than to see that impact," Lahey said. "I think this is Africa's century."
Onyeka says he is thankful for the hospitality that he has received from Lahey, the film school, and for everyone in Colorado. He says it is making this long trip worthwhile for all the directors involved.
"Colorado film school, yeah, it's far away from Nigeria, but it's good," Onyeka said.
culled from 9NEWS

Letter to MR President

.Aminu Muhammad Ofs
Dear Mr. President,
I just want beg you Bros Jonathan. I take all the gods of Nigeria beg you. I take all the gods wey people dey hide worship beg you. I take the God wey most of us dey worship openly beg you. I take the day wey dem born you take beg you. I take all the things wey you like beg you. Bros, as I dey write this ehn, na prostrate I prostrate for you oh. I take all my heart beg you. I take my papa yam farm beg you. I use my papa palm wine bank beg you. I take Anti Patty take beg you.
2015? No worry we go dash you till 2019. Missing $20 billion? No be craze de worry Sanusi Lamido, where him see that kind money dey miss, no mind am Bros, we don comot our mind for that one too. We no even want know how you take dey spend oil subsidy money Bros. Spend am anyhow, na you be Presido. Even the almost one trillion naira for security sef, we don close our eyes. Bros, if you like no do any road again, we no go ask you. Fuel scarcity, no worry Bros, e don tey wey we don dey use to am. We sabi buy black market. Abi people wey dey sell am dey from there get dem own chop no be we brothers? Bros, even jobs sef, no worry your head for that one. Na you send people make dem born plenty children? No worry, we sabi struggle. Electricity? Forget dat one Bros J. How many of we grand papas use electricity? Dem no live long? We go dey manage dat one too. If we want enjoy, we go use our Gencos. Thank God say we never follow your advice say make we throw dem away.
Bros J., all these my begging ehn, na one thing I need from you. This one wey Nigerians life no come even get value reach cockroach for oyinbo land own tire me. Bros, just use all your head and mind dey see how you go take dey protect our life. We no need all those things wey we dey disturb you for. Na long throat dey do us. Just help us make we dey safe Bros. If you fit do that one for us ehn, I go join curse anybody wey ask you how you take dey spend we money. We no want to dey waka dey fear say the next sound fit be bomb sound Bros. We no want to dey see fellow struggling Nigerians dey roast like chickens wey oyinbo say dem get bird flu. Bros J, sebi you talk say you no get shoe? E mean say you too be one of us before before. If dem former leaders no protect you allow bomb finish you, se you for reach where you dey so so tey you no fit know how many shoes you get. God wey carry you reach there never resign oh and na Him I dey take beg you make you do everything to see say we too live oh. I beg Bros J., no mind all these people wey say you no go continue. Just protect our life for us. Na your hand soldiers, police and all of them dey. Use them protect we the poor masses too na. No be only the big big men and women deserve to live safe. We too, na life dey our body and wetin fit make wey una dey where una dey so, we too fit reach there oh one day. But, that one na only if we live. I take God beg you Bros J., na beg I dey beg, no be strong head.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the  air
Work, family, health, friends and spirit
And you are keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball
If you drop it
It wil bounce back
But the other four balls
Family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass
If you drop any of these
They will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,nicked,damaged or even shattered

They will never be the same
You must understand and strive for it
Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time
Give the required time to your family,friends and have proper rest.

Antigha Hogan


value has a value only if its value is value

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.