Sunday, August 23, 2015

LE MÉLANGE Collections

put Your Husband Before Your Kids

A survey of counseling professionals,  a digital leader in love and relationships, reveals that half of experts polled agree that wives should prioritize their husbands over their kids!

About this finding, one expert polled says, "The husband-wife relationship is a life commitment as is the parent-child relationship. However, the parent's responsibility is to raise a child and teach him values and morals and accountability so that the child may then take care of himself when he becomes an adult. Therefore, the husband-wife relationship has priority over the parent-child as long as the children are safe."

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Many Styles of Ozinna Animudu

Most dieting and health advice focuses on losing fat, not gaining it. Accordingly, you may be at a loss for information about how to properly put on fat. Whether you’re gaining fat for health reasons or are an actor preparing for a movie role, there are safer and healthier ways to gain fat than not exercising and eating junk food. By following the correct regimen, you can gain the fat you want while maintaining your health.

Nigerian Senators reject reduction of salaries and allowances by panel

Jesus of Zimbabwe Dies After Fasting For 30 Day And 30 Nights

RAW Impact Is Here

Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Monday, August 10, 2015

FAB Fashion

Celebrating me

Thank for celebrating me, God will surely announce you


Most dieting and health advice focuses on losing fat, not gaining it. Accordingly, you may be at a loss for information about how to properly put on fat. Whether you’re gaining fat for health reasons or are an actor preparing for a movie role, there are safer and healthier ways to gain fat than not exercising and eating junk food. By following the correct regimen, you can gain the fat you want while maintaining your health.

Part 1 : Preparation:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Learn To Forgive

 Recognize those people who you have not forgiven, and forgive them. Especially the ones you do not want to forgive. 

Relationship Deepest Calling

Relationship, in all its many forms, is sacred, exquisite, essential, mysterious -- and oftentimes messy, troubled, loaded and charged. 

Whether we are married or single, wishing to be free of a partnership that has run its course, or actively calling a partnership in; whether we are delightfully dating, waiting for love, or exhausted by the search; whether we are happily or unhappily sexually active, desperately wishing for sex, simply and honestly disinterested in sex, or deliberately celibate; whether our parents are still alive or have passed, and whether we have children or are childless; whether we have a vast social network of friendships, peers, teachers, students, clients, healers, patients, bosses, co-workers or employees, or whether we find ourselves mostly alone, with very few people in our lives~ regardless, the opportunity in relationship, for all of us, is the same: to discover the deepest calling that all relationship is reflecting, revealing, invoking and inviting, and to be true to this call. 

Relationship has something deeper for us than what we tend to look to it for. Deeper than needing anyone to give us anything, and deeper than our need to feel valuable to any other; deeper than our need to be loving, or feel we are loved; deeper than our yearning to feel seen and worthy and wanted; deeper than our desire to feel safe and connected, needing and needed, to hold and be held; deeper than our wish to feel powerful and successful; deeper than our longing to be met by another in the fullest way; deeper than our desire to be useful or talented, to be good, kind, helpful and caring; deeper than our wish to be sexy, juicy, attractive and exciting, desired and desirous; deeper than the fulfillment of bringing joy and pleasure, and deeper than our love for orgasm; deeper than the way we look to community, to who we know and who we want to know and be known by, fixating on our place in the herd; deeper than our want to be rescued and healed, to provide or be provided for; deeper than our resentment of others needs and expectations; deeper than our story of loneliness or martyrdom, fault or blame, stagnation, frustration, jealousy and possessiveness; deeper than our identification with all the roles we play~ as parents and children, husbands and wives, ex-husbands and ex-wives, lovers and healers, sisters and brothers, friends and companions, providers and teachers and students, presidents and CEOs, assistants and servants, artists and seekers; deeper than our greatest suffering and greatest joy in relationship, there is a calling waiting to be discovered, that which ALL relationship, at the core, is in service of. 

That calling is to discover the deepest Truth of who you are; who one is.


Monday, August 3, 2015

You and your baby scan picture

A picture of your baby’s scan on your phone or on your fridge door is a constant reminder that your bump is home to a little person.

Your first scan will probably be a dating scan at around 10 weeks to 13 weeks plus six days of pregnancy. Not all hospitals will offer you a picture of the scan to take away, but do ask if you can have one, as it can help you to visualise the little person developing inside you.

You may well be wondering whether you’re having a girl or a boy, however you’re unlikely to find out at this stage. You may be told at your anomaly scan at around 18 weeks to 20 weeks plus six days of pregnancy.

You could also arrange a private 3D or 4D scan later in pregnancy. These scans can give you a clear view of your baby’s features. You may even be able to tell whose nose she’s inherited!

The best time to have a 3D or 4D scan is between 26 weeks and 30 weeks of pregnancy. Private scans can be expensive but seeing what your baby looks like may make prospective parenthood seem more real for you and your partner.

The Three Appearances Of Love

Love has always been portrayed wrongly by the media. The. media make love like a fairy tale with an "happy ever ending". It has been commonized that love can happen in any place with the right person and the question is that, "Is there any such thing as a perfect person"?

Love is a commitment that should be ignited by choice for intimate relationship when you are ready (Songs of Solomom 8:4). The best example of Love is God. He is love. He gave us Love. He swims in love. He has loved us even before we knew him. He has known us before we were conceived (Jeremiah 1: 5a). We can only seek the practical manual of love from Him and not the human manual.

Everyone can claim to love but not everyone can walk in love. People mistake lust for love. They mistake sexual passion for love but they are different. Love has no conditions attached to it. If you are seeking to be loved by a man or woman before you can feel loved, then you lack love yourself. You cannot give what you don't have.

If God is love, He must have given us the rules on how to love then. So where do we get true love from? Where do we find true love from? I broke them down into the three(3) appearances of love.

Love appears in God first. It then transits to Men which helps us shower it to our neighbours.  Our neighbor could be our loved ones, partner and people around us.

Let's look at God's manual of love in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. The. Bible explains that Love is kind,  patient,  enduring, long suffering etc. Love is patient even with the pressure we face around us in our relationships. Love doesn't boast or inflict any physical , sexual or emotional abuse. You. can't love someone and be boasting of what you have or have acquired.

Joyce Meyer says that "Love is the highest form of maturity. It often requires a sacrifice. If there is nothing to give or loose, we probably don't love the other person at all.

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.