Monday, November 29, 2010

Meet Mrs.Uwana Christopher Steven (A Thespian)

i will read Theatre Arts over and Over again

She is friendly, funny, charming, easygoing, wife to a celebrity.

let get to meet you?
I'm Mrs. Uwana Christopher Steven, from Akwa Ibom,5th child in the family of eight .

how was growing up like?
I grew up with both parent and siblings in surulere, Lagos state, lawanson to be precise. my dad is a strong disciplinarian and used same vigor to teach us how to serve God.

what influence your reading theatre arts?
fate, cause it was never my first nor second choice. But no regrets at all because Theatre Arts molds future leaders. i will always tell people that care to listen that ''if u can survive in Theatre Arts, u can survive anywhere''.

As a wife of a celebrity, how does it feel, i mean the up and down?

Hmmm, i will say celebrity or not, my husband is Christopher at home and Xto with his fans, we still relate like friend that we were before we got married, just that you get to sleep alone the nights he's working and you are not there.

Is there security in it?
I will say God is the best security in every union.

How do you deal with your husband female fans?
Hmmm, initially it was tough, but as a wife I had to play my role well, so I stopped thinking about it and only prayed for God's wisdom upon him. But he knows his priorities.

I love your dress sense, was inspires you?

I'm really not a fashionista, all I do is wear what suits me or for an event, most times it depend my mood.

you are also into make-up, tell us more about it?

I love enhancement, and that is what makeup is all about. it makes imperfect to seem perfect. i just love the transformation and confidence it gives to people when its rightly done.

For those that r not married, what is your advice?

Their prayer should be God let only your perfect will be done in my life. because only God can connect you to your destiny and your hubby is part of your destiny. marry a man that cares about your vision in life not a selfish man, marry a friend, one whose companionship you enjoy, a brother and make sure your in-laws love you, very important.

How is married life compare to single life?
my hubby and i were very close pals, we chat about even the oddest thing you can imagine before he proposed marriage and it has been that way, not much difference.

If u have an opportunity what will u change in our country?
Our political leadership style/pattern

one word for your friends?

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