Sunday, August 19, 2012

know your FRIENDS

Are your friends really your true definition of "friend" Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who almost went into deep depression. She was down for many months because she does not have a job and her outlook of the world became very grey with each passing day. I did my best to uplift her and offer her all kinds of suggestions from my personal experience and those of my friends. But she shared with me one insight- that looking back, she was feeling very down because she was being negatively influenced by another friend whom she thought she could trust. they never see anything good in her because she could not afford the money to dress like them or go do they kind of things they do. some friends are just there to make you sad, they are never happy for you, always criticizing, smile from the face but not from the inside. Mix with friends who do not like to pitch at the successful and rejoice at the suffering of friends. Betrayal,abusers,your so called friend will shared personal information or secrets that the other one wanted to be kept confidential, and its end up in other people's ears, that friend is betrayed even if he/she does not know. If its feels like you have to be someone else around them, than they are not really your friends, take a look at your own mind and behavior and see if you are falling into this trap or you can continue with the friendship if you to are a Fake. when you are around these set of friends all you see yourself doing is "gossip" you have nothing to discus than bring other people down, If your friends are making you gossip more it might be time to switch company and start again, its never to late. when your friends are not moving in the same direction with you, we all have goals, if your friends are not supportive of your goal or wont in anyway be of help,quit and re-focus. The very act of hanging around with the wrong people can cause you to lose track and lose your way in life. You don’t notice any positive qualities growing when you are around certain sets of friends, its time to worry, but that will only happen if you notice it yourself. Friends should bring out the best in you. They should help you to reach new heights, not bring you down and help you destroy you. Take a look at how you feel during and after meeting your friends and see what is going on with you, seat down and take a good look at all your friend, weight them, anyone you know is not adding something to your life, don't waste your time around them, move forward, time is precious and wont wait for no one. until next week, keep reading... original write up by patt-ogar offoboche

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