Monday, October 7, 2013


Imagine I told you of a foundation capable of covering every facial imperfection,I'm certain I'd get your attention and patronage as well as that of 90% ladies and 10%men.
But do you realize that no matter how much of this foundation you apply,you can never cover the guilt of sin,make up your hearts bruises,conceal your depression,exfoliate your addictions or implant in yourself a new spirit.
For there's only one TRUE foundation capable of all these and more. Best of all is that, it takes just only one application to get the "LOOK".
That foundation is "JESUS CHRIST", He's the author and finisher of Beauty,He gives a better extention than your finest brazillian hair,balms your lips with grace,lines your eyes with wisdom, adorns you with jewelries of strength and honour,you are not truely beautiful until you apply Him, He is the only one that can preserve your beauty even after death.
To apply foundation,Say this words from a genuine heart;
Dear Jesus,I've heard about your unfailing love that's able to transform me,I believe in your finished work on the cross where you died in my stead and resurrected to give me eternal life,I confess U as my lord and personal saviour,come into my heart and make me Truely Beautiful.Amen!
That's all it takes babe"You Are Saved".
The depression is gone,your past doesn't count anymore,your sins are completely forgiven,All chains of bondage are broken,Total Victory is yours.
Watch as people begin to notice the changes in your new look,there's a light in your heart and a radiance in your face.Walk arround proud cos the owner of the universe is your dad.
Now that you have Him and He has you," Never let go", guide your heart with your life,allow only the right things into it. Don't flip through the magazines or the media to get a defination of yourself,look into the Bible, for that's the only mirror that can tell you how truely beautiful you are.
God Bless You!
Stay Beautifullllll!!
Zimuzo Benson
(1st edition#truebeauty)

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