Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Signs You are Still inlove with your Ex

Think you’re over your ex?

1 You Always stalk Him
If you find yourself looking at his profile every now and then, you’re not even close to being over him. By looking at his profile, you’re only trapping yourself. You’ll see his social life and his comments and It will make you sad.

2 .Every time You Want To be seen By Him
You go to a certain party because you know he’ll be there. Even if you have another guy with you to make Him jealous, you’ll be the sad one in the end when you see him happy. Be busy in your own life, don’t ask His friends about him and don’t try to be where he is.

3 You Always Have Photos Of Him
If you still have pictures with him, you need to delete them permanently.  it won’t help you move on. Whenever You look at his pictures you’ll only get sad

4. You Never Stop Talking About Him
It’s understandable to talk about him a few weeks after the breakup, but if you keep going at it even after Months; it needs to stop. Even the closest friends you have will grow tired of your constant ramblings about How romantic and awesome your ex used to be. They will slowly start being distant from you and you’ll Eventually find yourself without any support when you most need it. So the best thing to do here is to keep It to yourself even if you badly want to talk about him, and slowly develop the habit of never discussing the Past and hence help yourself move on. This is from personal experience, the more you talk about it the More you cling to it.

5 You Always Remember Your Memories With Him
The memories you share with your partner are unforgettable and they have a lot of triggers that instantly remind you of that one sweet event you two shared with each other but try to slowly forget those moments because they are causing you nothing but trauma and heartache. Try to concentrate on the bad memories and try to wrap the good memories with bad ones.

6 You Always Compare Him With Other Men
Ladies, I know going through a break up is a horrible situation and I wouldn’t wish that state of mind even upon My enemies but you just can’t compare other men to him. It’s very common when a girl isn’t over her ex, she Gets approached by a lot of good guys who are probably better than her ex but she always finds a way to compare Him to her ex and get sad on how that new guy isn’t like her ex. Understand that he is an ex for a reason and You’re letting a lot of good guys go because of those feelings you can’t let go of.

7 You Still Texting Him
We all go through that helpless phase after a breakup where we almost text our ex. We write up a long and Heartfelt (sometimes anger-filled) message and we think about sending it but end up deleting the entire Message altogether. This is a weakness that goes away as time goes on. But don’t expect it to happen Overnight. Moving on is one of the hardest things in the world, and even when you think you’re there, you’re Not.

8 You Always Feel Good When you See Him
If you aren’t sure if you’re properly over him, think about how it feels when he’s in front of you or think of a Scenario where you suddenly see him. Do you feel happy inside? Does your heart start pounding? Do You want nothing more but his attention when he’s near you? If you feel any of these even remotely, then You’re not over him and you need to keep your distance as much as you can until you can overcome these Feelings definitively.

Monday, May 19, 2014



1) You fail to look good.

2) You pray for an excellent husband instead of becoming an excellent wife material.

3) You use money to buy a man and keep the relationship under your control.

4) You sell your destiny fo marriage.

5) You stay in an unhealthy relationship because you are scared that if you break up with him, you may not find another man as good as him.

6) You give your heart to a man and later try to use your head....

7) You compete with your man instead of complementing him.

8) You use sex to get a man.

9) You work at a job that limit your progress in life.

10) You follow a man blindly.

11) You mistake romance for love.

12) You don't put God first in your life.

13) You mistake the availability of money for love.

14) You don't know what you want in life.

15) You fail to grow up in maturity.

16) You enter into a relationship with unavailable man.

17) You force a relationship to stay alive.

18) You date different men at the same time giving each of them the impression that you are romantically interested in them when you really are not.

19) You compare your man with your father, brother, or other men in the past.

20) You adapt to an unhealthy relationship instead of demanding for change, respect and honour.

21) You fail to connect with quality, God fearing men and women in positive relationships.

22) You assumed the position of a wife, by cooking for your bf, doing his laundry, and living with him.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I learned to love like there is no tomorrow.

I learned to appreciate every loved one in my life, for our time together is not guaranteed.

I learned to value the power of friendship, and its capability to heal.

I learned to stop wasting time.

Every experience we have has a lesson for us.

 When you find love, hold onto it.

 Cherish your loved ones everyday.

 Appreciate your friends, and most importantly your time...

There are no guarantees.

Patt ogar


This week I challenge you to honor yourself.

Honor yourself with the thoughts you think.

Honor yourself with the choices you make.

Honor yourself with the boundaries you set.

Honor yourself. Always.

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Patt Ogar


 1- Loves kids. All kids, but most of all, Your kids.

2- Appreciates and respects a strong independent woman. Loves my drive and never tries to impede my ambition.

3- Charismatic with a smile that lights the room. A social butterfly that also loves to let it shine only for me at home.

4- Trustworthy and trusting. Knows who he is, appreciates who I am, and respects the relationship enough to always make me feel safe.

5- Loves sex. There is nothing wrong in one loving sex.

6- Always open to new experiences. Says yes to the opportunity to travel, meet people, experience an adventure.

7- Generous in time, money, love and spirit. Always willing to help someone in need.

8- Healthy. Eats right (most of the time) and loves physical activity. Inspires me to appreciate my health and maintain it.

 sometimes it takes more than a few dates to figure it out.

Patt Ogar

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



 if you keep spending on a woman and she never asked you if you’re saving or investing, and she keeps enjoying the attention, don’t marry her.

A woman could be a good wife to you, some could be a good mother to your children but if you’ve found a woman like a mother to you, your children and your family, please don’t let her go.

Don’t confine the position of your wife to the kitchen,where did you get that from? Even in our days, we had farm-lands where they worked every morning . . . that was our office.

you’re the head of the house, don’t look at your pocket; look if you will see a smile on your wife’s face.

if you want to have long life, let your wife be in-charge of your salary, it will be difficult for her to spend it when she’s aware of the home needs and bills to pay but if it’s in your care, she will keep you asking even when all has been spent.

Don’t ever beat your woman,the pain in her body is nothing to be compared to the wound on her heart and that means you may be in trouble living with a wounded woman.
* My son, now that you’re married, if you live a bachelor kind of life with your wife, you will soon be single again.
* My son, in our days, we had many wives and many children because of our large farm-lands and many harvests, there are hardly any land for farming anymore, so embrace your woman closely.
* My son, under the cocoa tree that I did meet your mother could be your eateries and restaurants of nowadays, but remember, the closet thing we did there was to embrace each other.
* My son, don’t be carried away when you start making more money, instead of spending on those tiny legs that never knew how hard you worked to get it, spend it on that woman that stood by you all along.
* My son, when I threw little stones or whistled at the window of your mother father’s house, to call her out, it was not for sex, it was because I missed her so much.
* My son, remember, when you say your wife has changed, there could be something you’ve stopped doing too.
* My son, your mother, Asake rode the bicycle with me before I bought that tortoise car outside there, any woman that won’t endure with you in your little beginning should not enjoy your riches.
* My son, don’t compare your wife to any woman, there are ways she’s enduring you too and has she ever compared you to any man?
* My son, there is this thing you people call feminism, well, if a woman claim to have equal right with you in the house, divide all the bills into two equal parts, take one part and ask her to start paying the other part.
* My son, I met your mother a virgin and I took more yams to her father, if you don’t meet your wife a virgin, don’t blame her, what I didn’t tell you is that our women had prestige.
* My son, I didn’t send your sisters to school because I was foolish like many to think a female child won’t extend my family name, please don’t make that mistake, the kind of female achievers I see nowadays has made the male-gender an ordinary tag.
* My son, your mother have once locked up the cloth I was wearing and almost tore it because she was angry, I did not raise my hand to beat her because of a day like this, so that I can be proud to tell you that I never for once beat your mother.
* My son, in our days, our women had more of natural beauty, though I wouldn’t lie to you, some had minor painting of their appellation mostly on their arms, the ones you people now call tattoo, but don’t forget that they didn’t expose any part of their body like your women of nowadays.
* My son, your mother and I is not interested in what happens in your marriage, try to handle issues without always coming to us.
* My son, remember I bought your mother’s first sewing machine for her, help your wife achieve her dreams just as you’re pursuing yours.
* My son, don’t stop taking care of me and your mother, it’s a secret of growing old and having children to take care of you too.
* My son, pray with your family, there is a tomorrow you don’t know, talk to God that knows everything, everyday.

Monday, May 12, 2014



Sometimes it's better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel alone

someone who doesn't return your love,

 someone who doesn't appreciate your effort,

someone who takes you for Granted

someone who sees no value in your care,

someone who doesn't love you for who you are,

someone who doesn't spare time for you,

Someone who always makes you cry,

someone who always accuses you for being wrong

If you are in a relationship with such a kind of a
person, think of letting go no matter how painful
it might be.

You're being used. You deserve someone

You deserve someone who will return your love,
will appreciate your care, who will take you as his
or her first priority,

who will be having fear of losing you and hurting you, who will be proud of

who’ll show you to his/her friends,
family and who’ll be willing to make family with

Sunday, May 11, 2014



Have u met her, do u know her, is she as many describes her to be, is she plump, skinny, short, tall, dark, light skinned or odd colored. Does she smell like roses, onion, garlic, or like the fields. I heard dat she carries a big heart whenever u see her.

 Wat does she look like when she laughs or smile, many swear her smile is as bright as morning star, dat her laughter is golden, soft, yet delicately rasp, and so very infectious dat one cannot help but want to be at the receiving end of it. Many confesses her embrace to be so warm and welcoming, squeezy yet so loving and cuddly.

 It was rummored dat her voice is soft like velvet and mysterious like a siren in a magical night when she speaks, and some say its like a blend of soothing musical sounds like one who sings a melodical lullaby, or is it as the others who says its shrill-like, sometimes hoarse-like from straining n worrying as is typical with those who have tiny voice or talk for long hours. Many call her selfless, a great listner, a great support system, a confidante, an amazing encourager who sees possibilities in areas of impossibilities, never finding faults, always hoping for the best.

 She forbids condemnations and advocates perseverance, blessings sits readily on her lips, awaiting pronouncement into the life of her beloved. She is always hopeful, ever relentless, hardly reproving, an outstanding motivator, a classic inspirator. It is also spoken of her that she is the wearer of many hats in any given situations in support of the one she nurtured within and outside her. The idea that she is constantly wrapped in compassionate sensitivity even in time where dicipline is needed to be implemented is what sets her apart, and quite frankly, a thing to be admired. Some call her too weak, some say too shallow, others say she is unreasonably impossible in her show of love, but a few see an uncanny strength in her exhibition of weakness in the portrayal of her love and many others see her as perfect with these many qualities, but the truth is, she is really not perfect, coz she is human first, and prone to make mistakes, but the profound thing about it all is that her imperfections is made perfect also in her love for the one she calls child. So i stand to conclude that this mysterious woman can be any woman out there, i see my late mom in her, i see a lot of women including myself in this unique creation of God. Yes indeed, this woman's character have been identified to be the one known to be called a MOTHER....You are all Mothers one way or anoda. #‎HappyMothersDay .

Saturday, May 10, 2014



1 – The way to a man’s heart is no longer his stomach but the quality of your brain.

2 – If your man must be Tall, Dark and Handsome then be ready to be the 2nd best because what you desire, others’ seek too.

3 – If you allow your
parents’ pressure push you into marriage, you may end up a single-

4 – A man that slaps you before marriage will build a boxing ring after
marriage. Guess who his opponent
will be – YOU!

5 – If you are yet to
know any member of his family after
12 months of courting him, then, is
either he wants you as his baby-
mama or a back-up plan.

6 – If what
attracted him to you are your bosoms
and the sexy legs you flaunted, the
contents of your brain had better keep
him, else, there are too many well-
rounded and bigger bosoms waiting
to snatch him away.

7 – Men love sex,
at least 90% that I’m aware of. So
don’t be surprised when he asks you
for sex the first day you visit him. But
learn to say NO without feeling guilty.
If he insists, leave him and keep looking for a man within the 10% that can love and grow the relationship
without necessarily disturbing you for
sex. Be careful!

8 – If he doesn’t
discuss future plans with you in the
picture, he just wants a fling.

9 – Even
when you trust each other, a little
jealousy reminds him that you care.

10 – Men love a listener. No matter
how much you want your opinion to
push through, listen to his details and
don’t counter them.

11 – When you
are already living with him before
marriage, he won’t propose quickly,
you can only become his baby mama;
because he won’t pay for the cow
where he is getting the milk free of

12 – Don’t waste your years
waiting for an unserious man to
propose just because his parents
loves you, you’re going to be married
and living with the man, not his

13 – When you seek his
advice, you make him feel more of a
man than he is.

14 – Your
encouragement or concern about his
career or job works faster than
listening to a motivational tape.

15 –
An engagement ring isn’t an assurance for marriage; it could
possibly make you his regular sex-mate if you are not careful.

16 – Don’t endure domestic abuse in a marriage because of your kids and what people will say. If you die as a result, the
man, the people and the kids will bid you dust-to-dust, he will marry another woman and she will take
your place as the mother of your kids.
It’s that simple!

Where Do Broken Heart Go


If you need to cry because you just broke up with someone who was so special to you, then cry… There’s nothing wrong with doing that because within those clear tears are hurt, pain, questions, love, anger regret and more. You must let them out or you will only explode within yourself.

You may cry for many days and nights as you want, but just make sure when you're finished, you never cry for the same reason again, I know u feel so down but overtime you will be back to your old self, laughing again, having fun again and being who you truly are, It’s not the end, Someone understanding who won’t treat you like a toy just like the way your EX did will come your way and wipe away all your tears, erase that pain and even give you endless happiness.


When right living people bless the city, it flourishes; evil talk turns it into a ghost town.

You all will agree with me that our president is the most cursed president in the world and everyday we keep saying negative things about our country, and we want it to be good. Let us change the way we see our country and things will improve.

 America has more challenges than nigeria yet IN GOD WE TRUST is their incarnation. Let's use the power of the media and say GOD BLESS NIGERIA always and we will see the desired change we need. Have a wonderful Sunday. #Raw Impact.

BY Emmanuel Eyaba

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

TRUTH BY Charles Novia

Charles Novia

I have been having a nagging feeling for days now since this Chibok Abduction Saga. And understandably so too. I think out of the box. I'm trained to think according to Logic. If it is not logical, it becomes a puzzle. If it becomes a puzzle; then one has to solve it or ask questions which would aid in solving it.

I have reviewed the press reports of the kidnappings. I have watched interviews. I have studied Body Language of those in government and those in opposition. I have MOST IMPORTANTLY traveled to Abuja to independently snoop around for answers. No one send me o but I pride myself in being an investigative journalist by night instead of a blood-sucking vampire.

After my initial examination of the body of evidence so far, I am sorry to say this. I BELIEVE this Chibok Abduction is not what it seems. It has been politicised. It is a plan from the pit of hell, maybe. And we all fell for it.

Please, read the next few lines I am going to write very carefully and see from my point of view for a minute.

I sat down this morning with a top security agent in Abuja and another member of the administration to ask these questions. I probed and probed and this is what came out to me.

1. The initial reports that over a hundred young school girls were abducted while sitting for their WAEC and 53 escaped while about 50 were still unaccounted for might have been true but the figures greatly exxagerated. According to the reports of the Girls I read in the papers, they said the Boko Haram insurgents came in 3 or 4 Hilux vans. 4 Hilux vans cannot in anyway contain 234 or more Girls. Go figure.

2. Reports say that the school in Chibok was a WAEC Centre for exams and that over 500 MIXED students, Boys and Girls, were sitting for the Exams. Boko Haram, true to type, would never go to a school and not leave a destruction of blood and death behind. Remember their murder of the Federal Government College Boys? In this case; in Chibok, the BH insurgents reportedly went to the school and just abducted only girls without even killing any of the boys ( and I'm not justifying that BH should have killed anyone. Just hypothesising here). So, what happened to the boys? Why have we not heard from them till today and why has any not given account of their sides of the story?

3. The Principal of the secondary school should be interrogated more. I can confidently say she is a suspect in this case; if it boils down to a sexed-up tale. She cannot give an accurate number of the students in the school who sat for the exams? Strange. She gleefully addressed Press Conferences at the initial stage increasing the figures of the abducted from 70 or so to 234! How did she arrive at those figures?

4. Where are the parents of those missing 234? We have only seen less than 15 being interviewed. No other has come out. Strange. There is a plot somewhere.

5. Those women who called themselves Chibok Mothers and protested in Abuja last week might not have been the mothers of the children. I suspect about 20 or 30 of the Chibok Girls were really kidnapped and not 234. Those who went to Abuja to protest might have been playing out a bigger script. Either genuinely crying for the doubtful number of girls kidnapped or just part of a huge conspiracy plot?

6. The escaped Girls, 53 of them as reported, have not been seen. Only two or five gave interviews to Punch Newspapers. Their story had inconsistencies. They escaped into the forest? Granted that they did, how come less than five have been talking? Who's shielding the others from talking?

7. I believe some Girls were kidnapped. I do not believe the number is up to 234. Realistically, the number should be about 20 or 30 and we must sustain the clamour for their release. But I also believe that some political elements in the North might have taken advantage of these kidnappings to falsify the numbers so as to embarass the government and the country. My gut feeling. There are no 234 Girls missing. I do not believe that. This is cheap and pure blackmail.

8. Yes, Abu Shekau said he has the Girls. But he might have a lesser number in his hands than 234 and just played to the gallery for grandstanding. Terrorists love attention. And this case of political oppurtunism played right into Shekau's hands. My feeling.

9. The pattern of these attacks and kidnappings should be studied. To me, they are meant to distract world attention from Nigeria's potential as an Economic Power especially as we are hosting the WEF in Abuja. They succeeded on that front because Nigeria is being weighed on its security issues alongside its economic potentials.

10. It is good that America has sent operatives to forensically examine the kidnappings. Perhaps the real story would come out. As at last night, a special Ops investigative team from America was in the country. I think after this; the whole truth will come out.

11. This is my personal hypothesis. No one has to agree with me. I am asking questions and making deductions where no one so far has really been able to assertively. Please I state here again that I believe some girls must have been kidnapped but I don't believe its up to 234. I support calls that those kidnapped must be brought back.

12. If this is a plot by diabolical agents of destabilization, then they must be tracked and brought to justice.

13. I call on President Jonathan to sit up and guarantee our National Security. He's too laid back on those issues and if my conspiracy theory is right, then he must share in the blame for not being pro-active in the first place. If this whole issue is being politicised, it means his opponents see somehow that he doesn't have the strong balls to tackle them. Enough of cotton balls, Sir. Show us balls of steel.

14. I write this as a patriotic citizen, tired of this whole shit. Playing politics with our lives is evil. Whoever the sponsors of terror are, whoever their partners are in and out of government should stop this shit!

15. I am not afraid. Truth is an open wound. Only conscience can heal it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Oprah Winfrey

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.”

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be.

Slower is better. Never live your life for a man
before you find what makes you truly happy.”

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don’t stay because you think ‘it will get better.’

You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.”

Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?”

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.

If something bothers you, speak up.”

You cannot change a man’s behavior. Change comes from within.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “He is a man; nothing more, nothing less.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Never let a man define who you are.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Never borrow someone else’s man. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “A man will only treat you the way you allow
him to treat you.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “All men are NOT dogs.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “You should not be the one doing all the bending–compromise is a two-way street.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “If a relationship ends because the man was not
treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t ‘be friends.’
A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend. Don’t settle.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “The only person you can control in a relationship is you.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Always have your own set of friends separate from his”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Don’t ever make him feel he is more important
than you are, even if he has more education or a better job.”
#Oprah Winfrey– “Do not make him into a quasi-god.”

Friday, May 2, 2014


How to Love Again After Being Hurt~

It’s easy to think you’re a failure after a failed relationship. But learn to take that leap of faith by understanding how to love again after being hurt.
*So you were in a relationship, and now it’s all over.
You may have assumed that it would last forever or perhaps, you had happy thoughts and dreams about your perfect relationship until the moment it ended heavily on your heart.

Life after a breakup can feel terrible, especially if you didn’t want the relationship to end or if you’ve been cheated on. But what’s important now is to understand how to love again and get back on your feet. You didn’t stop walking just because you fell down as a child, did you? Or did you stop playing a game or driving around in your car because you screwed up at some point?
Life isn’t perfect. It’s the little imperfections that make life perfect.

You wouldn’t know happiness if you don’t understand pain. And you won’t understand true love without understanding how a broken heart could feel like.

Life is unpredictable and doesn’t always plan out just like you wanted or expected. Learn to deal with the losses and cherish the happy experiences, and learn from your experiences. Don’t give up on love because of a broken heart or because you think it’ll cause you pain. Bad relationships cause pain, not love.*Remember that*

A break up is like a doorway into another relationship. How long it takes you to open that door is up to you. But at some point, you have to brace yourself and open that door and meet someone else.

Have you given up on love?

Almost all the time, many lovers who endure bad/failed relationships give up on ever finding true love. They just assume love doesn’t exist, and think it’s something all people call a relationship where two people put up with each other and sacrifice their happiness for the other person.

Denying that love exists is a wrong way of lying to the world that they failed or haven’t met anyone who’s worth living for. If you can’t find love in your own life, stop trying to make yourself feel better by telling everyone else that love doesn’t exist, because it does.

If you’ve endured an unsuccessful relationship or have suffered a painful break up, take your time to get your own life back in order. And when you’re ready to look for that special someone, take a leap of faith and dive headfirst into love.
Here are steps that can help you experience a happier relationship and a better life.

#1 Accept that your old relationship is history

If you want to love again someday, learn to accept that your relationship is over. Many heartbroken lovers pine and dwell over lost relationships like they’ve lost their own lives. It could feel that way, true, but it’s all in your head. You have the choice to bring a smile back on your face if you choose to. You may feel like it’s a bad thing to be cheerful or have a good time after a breakup, especially when it’s easier to stare at a wall and sadistically feel good about the pain you’re going through.

Heal your heart in a manner that’ll work for you, but don’t spend all the time locked in isolation. Convince yourself that the relationship is over instead of holding your phone in your hand hoping your ex will call you back and make it up with you. You could fall back into a broken relationship a million times, but you’ll never be happy. Remind yourself that it’s over. As painful as it may seem, it’ll give you the strength to move on.

#2 Where did you go wrong?

The breakup may have come out of the blue or it may have been a series of little fights that led to your partner calling the relationship off and walking away. But whatever the reasons may be, even if you have no reason to blame yourself, learn from the relationship.

Did you choose the wrong partner? Were you insecure, or did you always know the relationship was doomed right from the start? Learn to read the signs of a bad relationship and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Experience is what you get when you fail at something. But it’s a valuable lesson nevertheless. So learn from your failed relationship and keep those little things in mind.

#3 Enjoy your spanking new single status

It’s a case of the grass being greener on the other side, but for once, learn to enjoy the other side of the fence. You’re single, so start loving it!
You’ve probably been in a relationship for a while, which explains why you’re heartbroken and upset. But don’t let that hold you down. Spend more time chatting with friends of the opposite sex and you could use that now to feel better about yourself and clear off your worries,especially if you're used to chatting with your ex, it'll be helpful in wiping away being bored or missing him/his chat. You probably had to avoid these friends earlier, with you being in a relationship and all, but now you can speak to all these people for hours.
If you want to understand the secret behind knowing how to experience happiness and how to love again, always look for the silver lining in every dark cloud. Optimistic and happy people enjoy their lives no matter what hurdles they face. We really can’t say the same about the sad pessimists, can we?
Always look at the bright side of life and learn from your experiences. It’ll make you feel better, and your life a lot more fulfilling.
Use these steps to know how to love again after being hurt and live your life again

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.