Friday, May 2, 2014


How to Love Again After Being Hurt~

It’s easy to think you’re a failure after a failed relationship. But learn to take that leap of faith by understanding how to love again after being hurt.
*So you were in a relationship, and now it’s all over.
You may have assumed that it would last forever or perhaps, you had happy thoughts and dreams about your perfect relationship until the moment it ended heavily on your heart.

Life after a breakup can feel terrible, especially if you didn’t want the relationship to end or if you’ve been cheated on. But what’s important now is to understand how to love again and get back on your feet. You didn’t stop walking just because you fell down as a child, did you? Or did you stop playing a game or driving around in your car because you screwed up at some point?
Life isn’t perfect. It’s the little imperfections that make life perfect.

You wouldn’t know happiness if you don’t understand pain. And you won’t understand true love without understanding how a broken heart could feel like.

Life is unpredictable and doesn’t always plan out just like you wanted or expected. Learn to deal with the losses and cherish the happy experiences, and learn from your experiences. Don’t give up on love because of a broken heart or because you think it’ll cause you pain. Bad relationships cause pain, not love.*Remember that*

A break up is like a doorway into another relationship. How long it takes you to open that door is up to you. But at some point, you have to brace yourself and open that door and meet someone else.

Have you given up on love?

Almost all the time, many lovers who endure bad/failed relationships give up on ever finding true love. They just assume love doesn’t exist, and think it’s something all people call a relationship where two people put up with each other and sacrifice their happiness for the other person.

Denying that love exists is a wrong way of lying to the world that they failed or haven’t met anyone who’s worth living for. If you can’t find love in your own life, stop trying to make yourself feel better by telling everyone else that love doesn’t exist, because it does.

If you’ve endured an unsuccessful relationship or have suffered a painful break up, take your time to get your own life back in order. And when you’re ready to look for that special someone, take a leap of faith and dive headfirst into love.
Here are steps that can help you experience a happier relationship and a better life.

#1 Accept that your old relationship is history

If you want to love again someday, learn to accept that your relationship is over. Many heartbroken lovers pine and dwell over lost relationships like they’ve lost their own lives. It could feel that way, true, but it’s all in your head. You have the choice to bring a smile back on your face if you choose to. You may feel like it’s a bad thing to be cheerful or have a good time after a breakup, especially when it’s easier to stare at a wall and sadistically feel good about the pain you’re going through.

Heal your heart in a manner that’ll work for you, but don’t spend all the time locked in isolation. Convince yourself that the relationship is over instead of holding your phone in your hand hoping your ex will call you back and make it up with you. You could fall back into a broken relationship a million times, but you’ll never be happy. Remind yourself that it’s over. As painful as it may seem, it’ll give you the strength to move on.

#2 Where did you go wrong?

The breakup may have come out of the blue or it may have been a series of little fights that led to your partner calling the relationship off and walking away. But whatever the reasons may be, even if you have no reason to blame yourself, learn from the relationship.

Did you choose the wrong partner? Were you insecure, or did you always know the relationship was doomed right from the start? Learn to read the signs of a bad relationship and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Experience is what you get when you fail at something. But it’s a valuable lesson nevertheless. So learn from your failed relationship and keep those little things in mind.

#3 Enjoy your spanking new single status

It’s a case of the grass being greener on the other side, but for once, learn to enjoy the other side of the fence. You’re single, so start loving it!
You’ve probably been in a relationship for a while, which explains why you’re heartbroken and upset. But don’t let that hold you down. Spend more time chatting with friends of the opposite sex and you could use that now to feel better about yourself and clear off your worries,especially if you're used to chatting with your ex, it'll be helpful in wiping away being bored or missing him/his chat. You probably had to avoid these friends earlier, with you being in a relationship and all, but now you can speak to all these people for hours.
If you want to understand the secret behind knowing how to experience happiness and how to love again, always look for the silver lining in every dark cloud. Optimistic and happy people enjoy their lives no matter what hurdles they face. We really can’t say the same about the sad pessimists, can we?
Always look at the bright side of life and learn from your experiences. It’ll make you feel better, and your life a lot more fulfilling.
Use these steps to know how to love again after being hurt and live your life again


  1. Just enjoy the part when you get there. Very good

  2. Healing in a great way


  3. I think all shd just look up to God d real person will com alone d way. We shd stop b ancious for nothing

  4. Nice one at Anon 11:37

  5. Not every relationship dat leads 2 marriage, so r part of lessons/exams, u either fail or pass, but @ d end some will graduate and some will repeat, d choice is your


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