Saturday, June 14, 2014


A RICHER LIFE - Culled from Gemwoman magazine

When I said I wish above all things that you prosper,
It is to let you know that prosperity is good and rightfully yours
But when you focus on the wealth and forget the source,
You open yourself up for the enemy's use.

I desire that you live a rich life,
Not necessarily of material things alone,
But in health, body, soul and spirit,
When you have this combination, the devil cannot manipulate you.

You see, the reason people have a challenge understanding you when you get blessed,
Is because you do not know how to manage wealth and character,
So you make it easy for the world to say 'Money is the root of evil'
Whereas, it is the 'lust' for money that us the root of evil.

Haven't you read in my word how my children built me temples and were blessings to all?
Did you think I rained down furniture and precious metals from heaven?
I empowered them to be so blessed that the resources were available for their use,
So you can be blessed and be a kingdom enhancer if you can manage the combo well.

Even though I desire that you are rich, I am particular about the essence of your richness,
I need you to be exceedingly great so people can understand you have a complete life in me.
They need to know that when they seek me first, every other thing would be added unto them,
I have selected you to be my 'specimen' for this cause, can you manage it well?

Can you enjoy my numerous blessings and remain humble, patient and unselfish?
Can I trust that you won't get carried away and miss the intended mark?
Can I look on earth for someone to meet the needs of the needy and find you?
Can I search for people who will build me temples of worship and point to you?

I died already and took your sufferings away,
Don't let anyone fool you to say 'the poorer you are, the closer you are to God',
Do you know you can be so poor that desperation makes you seek other means of wealth?
At the same time, you can be so blessed and greed will make you lose focus.
You must find the balance and the only way you can do that is constantly looking unto me.

I alone have the power to make you wealthy and give you grace to enjoy it.
I alone can bring you from a low estate and place you where no one can boast of taking you to.
I alone can change your path instantly, erase your past and make you a wonder!
I alone can empower you to be wealthy and holy at the same time,
I alone can make you enjoy life and give you blessings without measure
I alone can make you enjoy A RICHER LIFE! You need me to complete your 'package.'.......

1 comment:

  1. God is your one and true original complete package, focuse on him and you never regret


Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.