Tuesday, August 19, 2014


1. THE TIME WASTERS-I have often joked that the engagement ring that stays long in a lady’s hand turns to a hand-cuff. Most ladies blindly stay in relationship that is stand-still and heading nowhere. Why wasting over two year with a guy that is not willing to define the relationship, steer it to the direction of commitment and give you a timeline for the final destination at the altar? I have seen so many ladies who waited in hope that a guy will marry them but after many wasted years, the guys dump them and marry someone else. Know when to stay and when to move on.

2. THE MANIPULATOR: Guys should flee from ladies who manipulate their emotions in subtle ways that make them feel trapped in relationships. Manipulators always see the need to advance their own purposes and personal gain at virtually any cost to others. Some have been trapped men in a marriage with a pregnancy that was well timed and allowed by the lady. Some men also manipulate ladies by making relationships and marriages look as they are doing the ladies great favours by befriending them and marrying them. Manipulators are happy when you beg and cry. They see a strong need to attain feelings of power and superiority in relationships with others

3. THE INTERNATIONAL: I am not a big fan of international relationship with marriage on the agenda. Some people are over excited if someone overseas declares an intention for marriage. The joy of travelling or running out of Nigeria blinds them from through background check and adaptability in cross-cultural environment. Many guys overseas have married legally to obtain resident papers. They divorced their wives in order to marry a home girl. Meanwhile, some home girls are going there to stay a little while, then divorce the home boy to marry a foreigner.

4. THE SOCIAL MEDIA SWEETHEART- All that glitters in the social media is not true love but cyber flirt and infatuation. Some start their dating on Facebook, 2go, whatsApp and others and even propose or agree to the marriage proposal without seeing the person face to face and having no knowledge of the family background or health status. Only fine pictures appear on the social media. By the time some meet face to face, they start withdrawing bcos all was not seen at the first time.

Monday, August 18, 2014



Marriage is the only school where you get the CERTIFICATE before you start. It's also a school where you will NEVER GRADUATE.
 It’s a school WITHOUT A BREAK or a free period. It's a school where NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO DROP OUT. It's a school you will have to attend EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE.
 It's a school where there is NO SICK LEAVE OR HOLIDAYS. It's a school founded by GOD

1. The school is founded on the foundation of LOVE.
2. The walls are made out of TRUST.
3. The doors made out of ACCEPTANCE.
4. The windows made out of UNDERSTANDING
5. The furniture made out of TOLERANCE
6. The roof made out of FAITH.

Be reminded that you are just a student not the principal. God is the only PRINCIPAL.

Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and run outside. Keep in mind that, inside this school is THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE. Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day.
Never forget the C-word...COMMUNICATION. Communicate always with your mate and to the Principal.
If you find out something in your mate that you do not appreciate, Remember YOUR MATE IS ALSO JUST A STUDENT NOT A GRADUATE, God is not finished with him or her yet. So take it as a challenge and work on it together lovingly and with hope for a positive change. Do not forget to study the Holy Book (the main textbook of this school). Some tests and exams MAY BE TOUGH but remember the Principal knows how much you can bear and yet. It's a school better than any other. It's one of the best schools on earth; JOY, PEACE AND HAPPINESS accompany each lesson of the day. Different subjects are offered in this school, yet LOVE IS THE MAJOR SUBJECT. After all the years of theorizing about it, now you have a chance to practice it. You must ENJOY the school because it is your divine destiny.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Food For Thought BY Kelvin Abukoye

    its what you called yourself that what people will call you, if u agree with what people say about you thats what you will become, if u called a monkey dog thats wht the monkey will be" a dõg", its what you called a thing thats what the thing will Become, so if people say u are stupid and u agree then u are. God said to moses in the bible just open your mouth and speak, for he will confirm it,moses did so it happen.
    if u decide to call a kekenape a convertable thats what pple will call it, so use your tonque well and reject any negative thing anyone called you because  its when you agree to it then it stays



Are u a singer, can u bless and wow ur audience at d same time?
Kole Daru concepts n sought out presents a gospel music talent hunt. 1st prize 50,000 plus two tracks, 2nd prize N30,000 plus one track,3rd prize N20,000.
Audition:22nd- 23rd aug @ grace of God compound, phase 2 site 2, opposite dipperlife junction, Kubwa-abuja. For details call 08060955337, 08137430608.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Stella aka sdk Celebrate ME


FooD for Thought

        you most be a follower before u become a leader, a follower with a GOod attitude thus Go far in life, despite what david pass through in life as a small boy before he became KING he project a Good attitude even at d point of death,

 Joseph shows a Good attitude to his master and it made him became KING in a strange land, GEJ was a Good follower, now he is a leader!

 The question is who are you following in your life ?

 Kelvin Eseimokumoh

Friday, August 8, 2014


Ebola is extremely contagious, and is transmitted through contact with body fluids such as saliva, blood, semen, or body discharges.
The early symptoms of the virus are said to mimic the symptoms of malaria or flu at first. In general, it takes about 2-21 days for symptoms to become visible.

According to reports, people who have the virus aren’t contagious until symptoms become visible.

Early Symptoms

Sore throat
Malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being).

Late symptoms

Rash over the entire body that often contains blood
Bleeding from the mouth and rectum (gastrointestinal bleeding)
Genital swelling
Bleeding from ears, nose, and eyes
Eye swelling (conjunctivitis)
Increased feeling of pain in the skin
Redness in the roof of mouth

How can you protect yourself?

Avoid consuming bush meat or suya: There are reports that bush meat may be carrying the virus. For extra pre-cautions, avoid eating suya. In general, try to stick to food you have prepared yourself, instead of consuming food from outside sources.
Wash hands: You should wash your hands with soap frequently
Disinfect your surroundings: According to reports, the virus cannot survive disinfectants, heat, direct sunlight, detergents, and soaps.
Fumigate your environment
Wear protective gear if you are interacting with people who have Ebola
Don’t touch corpses: Carcasses can still transmit the virus.
Setting the record straight

Ebola is NOT an airborne disease
Ebola CANNOT be transmitted via mosquito bite
For more information on Ebola, www.ebolafacts.com. The site has done a great job of providing comprehensive information about the disease

Thursday, August 7, 2014

.Nigerian Passport Can Take You To 44 Countries Without Visa.

Do you know that with a Nigerian international passport, you can visit 44 countries around the world VISA FREE or VISA ON ARRIVAL?
See the countries below

1. Bangladesh (Visa on arrival)

2. Barbados ( Visa free for 6 months)

3. Benin Republic ( Visa free)

4. Burkina Faso ( Visa free)

5. Burundi ( Visa on arrival for 30days)

6. Cameroon ( Visa free)

7. Cape Verde ( Visa on arrival)

8. Chad ( Visa free)

9. Comoros Island ( Visa on arrival)

10. Cote d'ivoire ( Visa free )

11. Djibouti ( Visa on arrival )

12. Dominican ( Visa free for 21 days )

13. Fiji Island ( Visa free for 4 months)

14. Gambia ( Visa free for 90days )

15. Georgia ( Visa on arrival )

16. Ghana ( Visa free )

17. Guinea ( Visa free )

18. Guinea Bissau ( Visa free for 90 days )

19. Haiti ( Visa free for 90 days )

20. Iran ( Visa on arrival )

21. Kenya ( Visa on arrival for 90 days )

22. Liberia ( Visa free )

23. Madagascar ( Visa on arrival for 90 days )

24. Maldives ( Visa on arrival for 30 days )

25. Mali ( Visa free )

26. Mauritania ( Visa on arrival )

27. Mauritius ( Visa free for 90days )

28. Micronesia ( Visa free for 30 days )

29. Mozambique ( Visa on arrival for 30 days )

30. Nauru ( Visa on arrival )

31. Niger republic ( Visa free )

32. Palau ( Visa on arrival for 30 days )

33. Samoa ( Visa on arrival for 60 days )

34. Senegal ( Visa free )

35. Seychelles (Visa on arrival for 30 days )

36. Sierra Leone ( Visa free )

37. Somalia ( Visa on arrival )

38. Sri Lanka ( Electronic travel authorization )

39.Tanzania ( Visa on arrival )

40. Timor-Leste ( Visa on arrival for 30 days )

41. Togo ( Visa free )

42. Tuvalu ( Visa on arrival for 30 days )

43. Uganda ( Visa on arrival )

44. Vanuatu ( Visa free for 30 days )

Monday, August 4, 2014

TYpes OF Husbands

1. BACHELOR HUSBAND: He does things on his own without consulting
wife. Hangs out a lot with friends more than wife. Not serious about marriage life.

2. ACIDIC HUSBAND: He is always boiling like acid and always angry, violent, moody, dominating and very dangerous.

3. SLAVE HUSBAND: Want to be treated like King and treat Wife like a Slave. Likes wife to perform old traditional respect and hates being called by their first name.

4. GENERAL HUSBAND: Husband for every woman. Loves and cares for girlfriends more than his wife. Likes giving money to girlfriends and have more female friends.

5. DRY HUSBAND: Very moody and stingy and don't consider wife's emotions and the relationship enjoyable. Have no sense of humour.

6. PANADOL HUSBAND: Uses wife as problem solver, only loves wife when needing something from
her. He's clever and knows wife's weaknesses and capitalise on that and gets relief from wife.

7. PARASITE HUSBAND: Lazy and only loves wife for the sake of money. Use wife's money on girlfriends. Not initiative and does not help wife with house responsibilities.

8. BABY HUSBAND: Irresponsible, childish and can't make decisions on his own without asking his mother or relatives; compares wife to relatives and runs to them always if something goes wrong.

9. VISITING HUSBAND: Not always at home come as a visitor Provides family all material things but have no time for them.

10. CARING HUSBAND: Caring and loving. Provides material and emotional needs and makes out time for family. Guides home spiritually. Very responsible and treats wife as partner and helper.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Don't take for granted what you have today, you may not be lucky enough to have it tomorrow.

Patt Ogar

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.