Friday, August 8, 2014


Ebola is extremely contagious, and is transmitted through contact with body fluids such as saliva, blood, semen, or body discharges.
The early symptoms of the virus are said to mimic the symptoms of malaria or flu at first. In general, it takes about 2-21 days for symptoms to become visible.

According to reports, people who have the virus aren’t contagious until symptoms become visible.

Early Symptoms

Sore throat
Malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being).

Late symptoms

Rash over the entire body that often contains blood
Bleeding from the mouth and rectum (gastrointestinal bleeding)
Genital swelling
Bleeding from ears, nose, and eyes
Eye swelling (conjunctivitis)
Increased feeling of pain in the skin
Redness in the roof of mouth

How can you protect yourself?

Avoid consuming bush meat or suya: There are reports that bush meat may be carrying the virus. For extra pre-cautions, avoid eating suya. In general, try to stick to food you have prepared yourself, instead of consuming food from outside sources.
Wash hands: You should wash your hands with soap frequently
Disinfect your surroundings: According to reports, the virus cannot survive disinfectants, heat, direct sunlight, detergents, and soaps.
Fumigate your environment
Wear protective gear if you are interacting with people who have Ebola
Don’t touch corpses: Carcasses can still transmit the virus.
Setting the record straight

Ebola is NOT an airborne disease
Ebola CANNOT be transmitted via mosquito bite
For more information on Ebola, The site has done a great job of providing comprehensive information about the disease

1 comment:

  1. It is a shame that despite the recent UNESCO data on improved Nigeria's literacy level and d country's ranking in d telecomm and tech market, a greater population of Nigerians have remain brain drained with their big blackberry, androids, tablets, and even computers in their hands. Nigerians still scramble in their sleep over scare of Ebola virus, and the annoying part of all is d fact that many people till tomorrow will nt google ds Ebola virus on dia phones and tomorrow night another cycle of foolishness will repeat again. I wonder what CNN will make of ds on news today. For the record: EBOLA virus is not airborne, so you cannot inhaled it. It is only transmitted via body fluid that's why handshakes and hugs may serve as means of transmission. The funny part is that the virus cannot be transmitted to you from a non symptomatic carrier i.e someone who has been tested positive but have no symptoms yet. Most of west African deaths recorded were frm those who contract Ebola frm funerals of Ebola victims; dos who contact with the dead bodies and the hospital staff who contact d virus frm handling the infected victims. To prevent Ebola just -Drink ORS or ORT wash ur hands with soap not SALT. No bush meat or surya. Disinfect ur surrounding. Fumigate if u have pets. DONT touch dead bodies. Educate people. Stay alive Nigeria!


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