Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ifeanyi Ubah To End Fuel Scarcity With 13M Litres of Fuel – TAN CEO

TAN and Capital Oil and Gas CEO, Ifeanyi Ubah said he will release 13 million litres of fuel to depots around the country in order to end fuel scarcity.

Ubah is a close pally to Goodluck Jonathan. He released a statement on the issue today, May 24, 2015.

“On Saturday 16th May 2015, we received an SMS ordering the suspension of loading activities in all depots from Monday 18th May 2015. We later realized that this directive was as a result of unpaid funds owed to transporters by oil marketers who in turn are owed by the Federal Government.”

“This development has resulted in immense hardship to our fellow country men and women. We believe that a better solution can be pursued towards solving this problem in a way that does not adversely affect our dear citizens.”

“Capital Oil and Gas has watched with so much pain, the suffering and hardship our citizens have been subjected to as a result of scarcity of petrol, diesel, aviation fuel and house hold kerosene.”

“We are deeply pained to hear that hospitals cannot perform surgeries, laboratories are unable to carry out much needed tests especially for emergency patients leaving such patients at risk of dying, radio stations are shutting down, communication is being affected as MTN and other telecommunications company have announced an impending shut down while homes, offices and key facilities nationwide are experiencing blackouts.”

“We are constrained at this point and have decided that two wrongs cannot make a right. We will not be part of this sabotage against our fatherland. Therefore from this minute, we shall take the risk of opening our facilities and commence swift loading and distribution of products Nationwide.”

“Our facility has the capacity to load over 13 million litres of product before dawn. This comes to approximately 400 trucks of petroleum products. With this act, it is our belief that once again our citizens will begin to smile, return to normal family and work life.”

“We call on other petroleum marketers to follow suit and save our Nation from this impending economic and social crisis. This is a period that requires patriotism and service to fatherland. Let’s join hands to help our fellow citizens and save Nigeria. We also call on striking bodies to call off the strike action. Let us work together for the betterment of our people.”

“As we brief you this moment, our truck park, port reception facilities and our depot complex have been ordered opened. We are ordering and resuming discharge of products from vessels at our berths. We have ordered our trucks to commence loading of products and move overnight to every state of the Federation.

Radio Stations, Arik Airline, MTN Shutting Down Due To Fuel/Diesel Scarcity.

Beat 99.9fm and Naija 102.7fm yesterday announced that they were shutting down due to fuel/diesel scarcity which has gradually been crumbling the nation, so that they can resume work this morning. MTN also sent out a message that the scarcity looming the country has also been affecting its network. Though many airlines have been cancelling local and international flights, Arik Airline took it upon themselves to inform their customers that all their flights have been cancelled for now as seen in the photo above. Continue below to see what MTN sent out.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to Please a Nigerian Man-Etcetera

Is something wrong with the Nigerian woman? Has she lost her beauty and power of seduction? How come Nigerian billionaires and politicians are all of a sudden having preference for foreign women? Or has the money syndrome finally caught up with them?…… Oops! Did you say it’s about time? Hmmm maybe Nigerian men are difficult to satisfy like some of our ladies have claimed. But is that the appropriate excuse? Well, for any woman who truly knows her onions, pleasing a man (whether a Nigerian or not) is never a difficult feat. So ladies, here are some insights to a Nigerian man’s heart that will guide you to becoming the right woman in his eyes.

Submission has got a bad rap in recent years. The feminist movement has even made matters worse. Women are forgetting that submission wasn’t your man’s idea, it was God’s. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22) Again the Word says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fitting in the Lord.” (Colossians 3:18). Men should also know that submission does not mean subjection to abuse. Submission simply implies respect for another’s authority.

Ok sweerie, the premiership ends this weekend. You can now have the remote control from Monday morning. Watch as much telemundo and your Nollywood movies as you can from now till August. Nigerian ladies should understand that the key to a harmonious family life is finding that balance. Your man may not be a professional footballer and probably may not go to the field and play every Saturday, but if you don’t disturb him whenever he is watching his favourite team play on TV, he will love you more.

Remember that by learning to love and support his team, you are creating a deeper bond between the two of you. Be on his side, root for his team, celebrate his victories, mourn his defeats. Even the Bible commands us to “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” (Romans 12:15) lol…

Every Nigerian man loves food. I mean the actual food. There’s no such thing as a modern or old fashion way. A way is a way and the only way to a typical African man’s heart has always been through his stomach. Coming home from a long day’s work, we enjoy nothing better than a well cooked meal. Remember the story of Esau in the Bible? He was so hungry and was practically shaking after working in the fields that he was willing to sell his birthright to his brother Jacob for a hot bowl of soup! (Genesis 25:29-34). Ladies, when a Nigerian man is not properly fed, he becomes irrational, irritable and vulnerable to temptation. Feed us well not just for anything else, but so you may have peace in the house…. lol

Now ladies, ask any Nigerian man to choose between a delicious plate of soup and no sex or a tasteless meal and a mind-blowing sex, he will prefer to drink garri without sugar and have that mind-blowing encounter with you in bed. Does that tell you something?

Babes, you may be everything from smart, charming with long pretty legs and even God-fearing but if your husband doesn’t find you sexually attractive, SHIKENA. A Nigerian man always wants that thing. So, stop holding back whenever he wants it. Adopt the Boy Scout motto that says “always be prepared.” Stop using your sexuality to manipulate or punish him. Our greatest vulnerability is our sexuality, so don’t just go there – No games with that please. Give yourself to him freely every time, every way and everywhere.

The Bible commands you, “Deprive not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your lack of self-control.” (1 Corinthians 7:5). Did you hear that? It says even after fasting, you should still give it to him…. Hmmmmm! I love the Bible. No wonder they call it the “perfect book.”

All men want to be successful. But it is so unfortunate that most Nigerian women measure success by what a man has accomplished and not by who he is as a person. It is the role of the woman to help her man see the big picture in life, not through the eyes of someone who wants to purchase every latest trend in fashion, mobile phones and cars. The good book of the lord says, “Better is the poor (man) who walks in his integrity than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich.” (Proverbs 28:6). So, ladies, always let your man know when he is doing a good job.

Praise him for his patience with words like, “I really appreciate that you helped me with the dishes today.” “Thanks so much for emptying the dustbin; I appreciate you honey, even in the small things.” Note that a little compliment to a Nigerian man every now and again works like magic.

Nigerian men are driven by the need for significance. We often ask ourselves this question, “Do I really matter to her?” A man’s thirst for significance can only be quenched in knowing how important he is. That is why we will chase after every vain pursuit only to hear the words, “You matter. You are important. You are appreciated. You are significant.” If a man never heard these words or sensed this approval from his woman, he can spend his whole life chasing someone else who will value his identity.

Support your man at every turn. Be there for him to guide him. This is God’s command for you as the woman. God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18). A man needs help in the small things like finding our car keys or in bigger things like building a business. It has become one of the most popular sayings that “behind every great man is a far greater woman.”

With men, two plus two is always four. We are a straight-jacket mind species. Maybe it is so because we have always found solace in being logical. And it has proved to be a sure way one can maintain stability in the home, especially in times of uncertainty or danger. But it is clear that men most times lack that natural intuitiveness found in women. Which makes it important, that whenever your man is about to strike a business deal, he needs your input because he might not understand that deep gut feeling you have that something is not right. For a man, if it looks good “on paper,” it is good even when in your heart of hearts, you can smell something foul brewing. Your man needs your intuitive, instinctive, perceptive and discerning insights when making decisions. But as his woman, you should be careful so as not to bruise his ego.

A man is not molded to understand the emotional and dynamics behind the problems that women face. So it is important that the woman doesn’t go running and pouring all her cares, worries, fears, insecurities and troubles on him all at once, it can be very overwhelming. If it is your car that is making that funny noise or something in the house is broken, YESSSSS! he knows exactly what to do instantly. Every man requires that extra training to be a good listener and you will have to working at it until he is there.

You can simply start by asking him to listen to you for one minute without interruption and gradually build up his tolerance level. If you throw a fifteen-minute monologue at him, he will freeze up, walk away or get annoyed. Make things simple for him. Spell out exactly what you need, even if it is just a simple hug (and you may want to also explain to him that a hug does not mean you want to have sex!)… because e nor dey hard us to conclude.

Every man wants to come home to a peaceful house after a long day at work. But our women don’t always permit such a luxury. We want tranquility and control in every aspect of our lives; that is why we sometimes do everything possible to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. It is also why every man dreads a nagging woman. A nagging woman drains us of body vitamins and morale. If you nag your man, he will distance himself emotionally and possibly even physically.The Bible says, “It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman.” (Proverbs 25:24)

50 Naira Story Premiere

Ben Bruce verse Twitter fans



Every man has a world which he needs to Rule. you rule your world by dominating your immediate environment. though you might meet some challenges on the way, remain focused, determined and prayerful. RIA 6 was a blast, thanks to our guest Ugo Vincent Oparaeke, Anthony Olanrewaju Gold, Anosong Bookish who where all on ground to throw light on Ruling your world. Excerpts of some pictures.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


We certainly cannot get enough of 5his 45 year old singer and mother of two. Her hot body covered Us Weekly's "Best Bodies" Issue.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Lips Surgery and its risks

It looks like while Kylie Jenner‘s lip fillers may have gotten her noticed, they are putting her at some serious risks. A few days ago, the reality TV star admitted to having lip fillers injected in her lips in an interview.

Lip Filler expert – Lee Garret told Femail in an interview that having cosmetic surgery done before the age of 21 is very risky and could lead to complications as the reality start grows older. He also stated that Kylie has probably had ‘too much done’ to her lips already and could end up with ‘wonky lips’ or a number of other side effects that could be permanent.

According to Lee – “Having cosmetic surgery at any age below 21 is inadvisable, since your body is still growing and changing, therefore you’ll never be sure about what the long-term results might be.” “Kylie was born with naturally small lips and I do feel that she should have waited before having this particular treatment.“

He further stated that lip fillers usually contain substances like collagen, hylaronic acid which will eventually break down over a period of 12 months, after which they need to be re-injected. But according to reports, Kylie has been getting re-injected every 3 months which is way too much.

Lee concludes that possible side-effects of the excessive fillers include bruising and bumps, an asymmetrical appearance where the upper lip becomes permanently bigger than the lower, swelling etc. “I think her lips were far more pleasant to look at before she had had fillers.” “Her lips are far too big now. And remember I am looking at these with my professional eye.” “I’m not agreeing that he should have done the treatment at all, given her young age. She is not mature enough to make a balanced medical decision.”

A lot of teenagers make life-changing decisions without even knowing it. We just hope this doesn’t go south for her.

Nigeria 1st Daughter

Pres. Jonathan’s Heavily Pregnant Daughter Attends His Thanksgiving Ceremony

President Jonathan’s daughter, Faith Sakwe who got married last year and now heavily pregnant was among the people who attended the Special Thanksgiving Service held yesterday for the first family at the Villa Chapel as they prepare to leave. We wish beautiful Faith a safe delivery.

Burundi President Fires 3 Ministers After Failed Coup

Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza, has announced a partial cabinet reshuffle in addition to firing the ministers of Defence, foreign affairs and trade, replacing them with trusted figures after a failed coup attempt on May 13 by the military.

The decision was made public a few hours after thousands of people took to the streets of the capital of Burundi, in a new set of protests against Nkurunziza's intention to seek an unconstitutional third presidential term, sparked after five days of relative calm in the African country.


Nigeria's Finance Minister, and former Vice President of World Bank, Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala was awarded with a honorary Doctorate of Human Letters, by the prestigious Yale University yesterday May 18th.

"You are a citizen of your country, your continent, and the world. Shaped by challenging experiences during your childhood in Nigeria, you have made social and economic reform your mission. As Nigeria’s coordinating minister of economic development and minister of finance, you have tackled corruption, created a vision and path to long-term economic stability, and worked to build a culture of transparency.

 At the World Bank, you made food security a priority and provided policy advice and capital for the world’s poorest countries. With wisdom, a fierce dedication to doing what is right, and unflagging energy, you have transformed the economic landscape of your nation. We are proud to name you Doctor of Humane Letters".


Lagos lawyer, Femi Falana has given recipe for stopping the wave of kidnap­ping in Ekiti State accus­ing the state government of being the mastermind.

Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria ( SAN) in a press statement issued yesterday also lamented the continu­ous shielding of criminals by the government.

According to him, provid­ing official cover for armed gangs and other criminally minded individuals, who had taken over the monopoly of violence, was not the best for the state.

His words: “In the atmo­sphere of impunity, which currently obtains in the country, the well-known armed thugs operating in Ekiti State have been grant­ed immunity by the Federal Government.”

He blamed the state gov­ernment for the continu­ous occupation of the state House of Assembly since November by those he called ‘armed lumpen elements.’

The human rights activist alleged that police officers were under strict instruction not to prosecute any of them.

A commissioner of po­lice, who was determined to rid the state of kidnapping, armed robbery and other violent crimes, Falana noted, was queried and investigated by the Police Service Com­mission (PSC)

“Even though, he was not indicted in the dubious probe, set up by the Police authorities, the PSC ensured that he was removed and posted out of the state. Based on such official endorsement of criminality, kidnappers and other criminal elements have been having a field day in Ekiti State.”

Falana also noted that the crisis of maintaining law and order in the state had been compounded by the six-month old industrial action of judicial workers

The Sun

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May Edition Of Raw Impact Africa

For every man they is a world. You function better in Your world, no matter how well a monkey can jumP trees, a tilapia will beat him at the pools. Join us for an eciting time at Raw Impact on the 17th of May 2015 at Masters Lodge lugbe FHA . Red carpet starts 5pm. SPecial movie premiere, music, comedy, talk show and much more. Raw Impact, Impacting the African youths through knowledge.

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.