Sunday, September 10, 2017


Unleash Your Creativity” a filmmaking capacity building project designed to empower the African youths through filmmaking.

In recent years, the movie industry has experienced significant revolution which has contributed immeasurably to the growth of the Nations GDP however, the movie industry has not gotten the deserved attention by Government and relevant stakeholders and has often been treated with levity. The Film industry plays a vital role both in the economy and in the lives of viewers who want the best, constantly comparing our local movies with the western world without considering the cause of the Leopard’s stripes.
On the other hand, the passion for the arts and getting it right irrespective of the challenges has kept a few dogged filmmakers still thriving for excellence.
It was from this basis that UNLEASH UR CREATIVITY was conceived, born and nurtured by American trained Filmmaker and C`EO of 2ET Media Network, Emmanuel Eyaba. This vision has grown into a massive tree, impacting thousands of youths in Nigeria and Diaspora.``
UNLEASH UR CREATIVITY has transformed many Jobless Nigerian youths to self-dependent, productive and successful filmmakers.
UNLEASH UR CREATIVITY is a FILM capacity building project created for young filmmakers to be trained in the art and science of filmmaking with the aim of de-populating the increasing number of unemployed Nigerian youths. Transforming them to be self-employed and afterward employers of labor.
60 young Filmmakers of various categories are selected and camped for 14 days, while in camp professional filmmakers and celebrities are invited to train and share their experiences with these participants. Finally contestants are divided into teams and topics will be given to each group to make short films.
At the end of 14days the movies produced will be screened by professional filmmakers and the general audience. The best group will be empowered financially to produce a feature film with 10 million naira and a one year production contract with 2ET MEDIA NETWORK. This automatically makes these young filmmakers equipped and relevant to the film industry.

Past editions

Between 2015 and 2016, 2 successful editions of the program has been held.
The maiden edition of the program was in December, 2015 at the prestigious Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Abuja. 36 young filmmakers were camped including 2 from Liberia and Kenya. The themes were centered on Copyright and Piracy in Nigeria and Drug Abuse.
Team A of Copyright produced a movie titled “TORN” endowed by National Drug Law Enforcement Agency and Team B of National Copyright Commission produced “Sham”.
The second edition which was themed; the age of ingenuity saw 3 movies from 3 groups; Group A worked on “the Plight of the IDPS”, while group B worked on dealing with recession and the last group worked on Education, Enlightenment and charity.
The videos can be watched on YouTube.


This program is geared towards empowering the up-coming filmmakers, who have not had the opportunity of playing in the big league. The selection will comprise the story tellers, cinematographers, light technicians, editors, sound, Producers and Directors.

While they are working, the audience will be watching their efforts and people will know how things are done behind the camera from the scripting period, down to the selection of actors, choosing of locations, rehearsals, principal photography, to the editing of the movie. Seasoned filmmakers who are members of Directors Guild of Nigeria, will be visiting the camp from time to time to give the house mates tips on filmmaking.

This year, we will be using film to create advocacy on the following,

Agriculture as a means of sustainable livelihood,
Peaceful Co-existence by Nigerians
Effects of Kidnapping.
Climate Change.
Youth Deregulation.

This event is put together by 2 ET Media Network, a Film and Media Company Registered in Nigeria. Over the years, we have been involved in the production of quality films and TV content, dealing more with programs that have adverse positive effect on our youths who are prone to drugs, youthful exuberance, prostitution, militancy, terrorism, etc.


In our quest to have a bigger and better program this year, 2ET Media Network Ltd had entered into partnership with ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENHANCEMENT CENTRE [EEC] a Non-Governmental Organization building capacity for the Youths and Women SMEs operators for self-reliance and creation of employment for others. Therefore, EEC would be bring into the programme entrepreneurship training for the participants to enable them translate their creative ideas into entrepreneurial activity at the end of the programme which is one of the major expected outcome of the UUC i.e. the ability of the participants to turn creativity ideas into business ventures for self-employment and by extension create employment for other youths in Nigeria. Secondly, EEC would also provide other necessary logistics; administrative, seek for collaboration from both private and public organizations for support in any form for the successful execution of the project.


The Event is endorsed and supported by African Union, Federal Ministry of information, Culture and Tourism, National Copyright Commission, Nigeria Film and Video Censor board, National Institute for Cultural Orientation, Directors Guild of Nigeria, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen Media Network, Nollywood Project 101, Benin Film Academy. The Program will be aired on TV for 14days.






Press Conference

Thursday 17th August, 2017


Registrations begins

Thursday 17th, August, 2017


Auditions begins

Saturday 21st October, 2017


Auditions ends

Monday, 6th November, 2017


Announcement of finalists

Sunday 12th November, 2017


Camp opens

Friday 1st December, 2017
Premiere Night of Stars.
Friday 15th December, 2017
The Film Medium if properly harnessed, can curb youthful restiveness, drug abuse, prostitution, militancy and terrorism, Kidnapping and help create employment.
For enquiries/participation & Sponsorship
55A.F.I.Ikem Link,
Off Ofem Oboma Road
CHOOS Estate, Wumba District, Apo,Abuja.
0803 592 7275/0809 119 9322.

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