Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Statement by President Jonathan on presidential election 2015

Official statement by president Jonathan after the announcement of the results of presidential election
Fellow Nigerians,

I thank you all for turning out en-masse for the March 28 General Elections. I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word. I have also expanded the space for Nigerians to participate in the democratic process. That is one legacy I will like to see endure.

Although some people have expressed mixed feelings about the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), I urge those who may feel aggrieved to follow due process based on our constitution and our electoral laws, in seeking redress.

As I have always affirmed, nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear country is more important than anything else.

I congratulate all Nigerians for successfully going through the process of the March 28th General Elections with the commendable enthusiasm and commitment that was demonstrated nationwide.

I also commend the Security Services for their role in ensuring that the elections were mostly peaceful and violence-free.

To my colleagues in the PDP, I thank you for your support. Today, the PDP should be celebrating rather than mourning. We have established a legacy of democratic freedom, transparency, economic growth and free and fair elections.

For the past 16 years, we have steered the country away from ethnic and regional politics. We created a Pan-Nigerian political party and brought home to our people the realities of economic development and social transformation.

Through patriotism and diligence, we have built the biggest and most patriotic party in Nigerian history. We must stand together as a party and look to the future with renewed optimism.

I thank all Nigerians once again for the great opportunity I was given to lead this country and assure you that I will continue to do my best at the helm of national affairs until the end of my tenure.

I have conveyed my personal best wishes to General Muhammadu Buhari.

May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I thank you all.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR


Federal Republic of Nigeria

March 31, 2015

Posted by: Patt Ogar Eyaba

5 Things You Should Never Do In A Marriag

  Marriage is not always an easy institution — especially when couples choose to take a nonchalant attitude.

Here are some issues, that frequently cause problems in marriages:

Disrespecting your spouse

Sometimes married couples believe name calling, cursing or raising a hand at each other is acceptable to get a point across or to release frustrations. Instead of throwing insults, talk. The idea of talking sounds unreasonable especially if the couple is angry, but civilized and honest conversations are effective in a marriage.

Taking your spouse for granted

Thank your spouse for doing things for you. Many couples assume since they are already married, the spouse is expected to do certain things. It doesn’t always work that way. When my husband does something for me or I do something for him, we always say thank you. For example, if my husband happens to do my chores around the house because I am involved in something else, I always give him thanks for taking that extra workload. I don’t just expect it from him.

Interrupting your spouse during a conversation

If you interrupt your spouse while he is explaining a situation or venting about a hard day at work, you are only demonstrating lack of interest. It’s rude and careless. Give your spouse the time to talk. If you must cut in, politely do so.

Speak negatively about your spouse to others

One of the biggest mistakes committed in a marriage is talking badly about your spouse to others — even if it is to a friend or family member. You are letting others know you have little to no admiration for your spouse. You also seem to have no regard for your marriage. Stay away from revisiting your spouse’s past and using that information as a reason to say negative things. If you have nothing positive to say, try saying nothing at all.

Arguing in front of the children

Children are sponges. They absorb everything they see and hear. If they are in the same room where you and your spouse are having a heavy disagreement, it will affect them. Concerns of whether or not their parents will stay mad at each other or possibly divorce will begin to build.

Anger and rudeness has no place in a marriage. Marriage is about respect, support and love. It’s about two people putting their best foot forward. A husband and a wife should always work together, not against each other.

You Have A Lot Of Work To Do, Obasanjo Tells Buhari Toni

In a congratulatory message by former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo to General Muhammadu Buhari on his victory as Nigeria’s elected president, Olusegun Obasanjo has warned Buhari that he has a lot of work to do, but he’s confident he can carry out the duties due to his past experience.

“With so much harm already done to many national institutions including the military, which proudly nurtured you and me, you will have a lot to do on institution reform – education, healthcare, economy, security, infrastructure, power, youth employment, agri-business, oil and gas, external affairs, cohesiveness of our nation and ridding our land of corruption, he told the elected president.

“Your varied and wide experience will undoubtedly stand you in good stead,” he also added to him.

“Nigeria is blessed with men and women of goodwill, character and virtue across the board that you can mobilise to join hands with you in the reform, repairs and re-direction that will be imperative to put Nigeria back on the fast lane of good governance, unity, cohesiveness, development and progress,” he said.

“For me, the totality of 2015 elections hold many lessons for our democracy and democratisation process, which are both maturing.

“On this occasion, the system has been unnecessarily overheated before and particularly during the campaigns when emphasis was more on trivialities and hate, divisive, undignifying and disrespectful statements and comments rather than on pressing issues requiring attention.

“I know that in victory, you will be magnanimous to start binding the wounds and bitterness occasioned by the campaign and the evil disciples,” he concluded.

Ice Prince with JayZ

President Jonathan's First Photo Appearance Since after the Elections

According to PremiumTimes, the chairman of the committee and former Head of State, Abdusalami Abubakar, who spoke to journalists after a closed-door meeting with the President, said the committee was spellbound when Mr. Buhari informed them that Mr. Jonathan had called to congratulate him.

“We were at the middle of a meeting with the international observers to try to see how we can still water the tension down, when gladly I called Gen. Buhari that we are going to see him,” Mr. Abubakar said. “He told me that Mr. President has called him at about 5:15 p.m. and congratulated him and conceded defeat.
“We were spellbound and the reason we have come here is to thank President Jonathan for this statesmanship. In the history of Nigeria , I think this is the first time where a contestant has called his rival to congratulate him and through this point, President Jonathan maintained a point that the blood of Nigerians is not worth his presidency and by his action he has proved that.
He has proved that he is a man of his word‎ because during our interaction on this peace committee he has always maintained that he is going to accept the result of the elections whichever way it is done. And he has proved this.”

Saturday, March 28, 2015


This old man should be my citizen of the year. While some are watching TV and playing ball on a day their future will be decided waiting to hear bad news and badmouth the process this old man is being assisted by nurses from the hospital to the polling unit just so he can vote for our future.
Yet some youths will be from home watching TV sending broadcasts shouting " are youths"

Friday, March 27, 2015

Adoptive Mom, Rosie O’Donnell Vs Biological Mom, Deanna Micoley In War Over 17-Year-Old Girl

Rosie O’Donnell of the View has been plunged into an adoption scandal as the biological mother of O’Donnell’s 17-year-old adopted daughter, Chelsea, has unmasked herself to the world to sensationally claim she was drugged up by her then-husband on heroin and forced to give up their child.

She told The National ENQUIRER, “I believe Rosie O’Donnell knew that I was in no condition to sign away my parental rights to my daughter!” Deanna Micoley, 37, told  in a blockbuster exclusive interview. “She did the worst thing one woman can do to another woman — take her child!”

Micoley was unhappily married and just 20 years old when, in Aug. 1997, she gave birth to a baby girl who she named Kayla. Two months later, her now ex-husband forced her to give up their child to an adoption agency, it’s alleged.

“I may not have been the best mother back then. I did drugs and I have a criminal record because of it,” Micoley admitted.

“But I surely didn’t deserve to have my baby stolen from me!”

Micoley said she never knew 53-year-old O’Donnell had adopted her daughter until last November when Kayla — now known as Chelsea — contacted her biological maternal grandfather.

“Chelsea told him that she was his granddaughter. He called me and broke the news. It was the moment I’d been waiting and praying for the last 17 years – I’d found my precious daughter!”

Since then, Micoley and Chelsea have communicated through Facebook and text messages, during which her daughter revealed to her birth mom that she despises bombastic O’Donnell!

“Chelsea has told me that she had issues with Rosie,” Micoley said. “I believe Rosie has abandoned her. Since about the age of 12, Rosie’s basically shipped Chelsea off to different boarding schools.”

When Chelsea quizzed her biological mom as to why she’d been placed for adoption, Micoley said: “I told her the truth — that her daddy wasn’t a good person and she was basically given up to an adoption agency.”

“Rosie O’Donnell stole my baby, but I don’t want her money. I just want my daughter back!” added Micoley.

According to Micoley, O’Donnell has also tried to turn her own child against her — something she claimed is supported via a series of explosive text messages.

In one text missive, obtained by The ENQUIRER, O’Donnell wrote to Micoley: “One thing I want to share — Chelsea has often been overlooked in some ways because my fame makes me seem superhuman.”

Said Micoley: “Rosie wants to paint me as a horrible person and says adopting Chelsea saved her from a life of misery.”

“Rosie even hired someone to dig up my criminal record and gave it to Chelsea,” revealed Micoley. “But bless her heart, Chelsea told me the past was the past, and she loves me!”

O’Donnell is an outspoken advocate of adoption, and adopted son Parker in 1995 as a single mom. She adopted Chelsea in Nov. 1997, and then, with partner Kelli Carpenter, adopted son Blake in Dec. 1999.

Carpenter gave birth to their daughter, Vivienne, through artificial insemination in Nov. 2002. The couple wed in California in 2004, and split in 2007.

O’Donnell adopted her fifth child, 2-year-old daughter Dakota, in 2013 with her second wife, Michelle Rounds. But the pair split after little more than two years of marriage, with the end coinciding with the opinionated star’s decision to quit The View — just four months after rejoining the cast.

O’Donnell’s publicist attacked Micoley for speaking out publicly about her biological daughter, and insisted her client’s adoption of the 17-year-old was totally above board.

According to Cindi Berger, O’Donnell “legally adopted” Chelsea from the non-profit Children of the World in New Jersey.

“The agency never would have accepted the baby if the birth mother was under the influence,” Berger told The National ENQUIRER.

“There are notarized adoption papers signed by the birth mother and father that were accepted by both the adoption agency and the Court.”


Someone asked: "If we are not romancing, kissing or having sex to spice up our relationship, what else would we be doing? Won't the relationship be boring without these spices?"
Sex can never make your relationship grow. You even need more than love to make a marriage work. You need actions born out of love to revitalize the romance.
So what can you do? It may sound boring but it is the best foundation ever.

1. For your relationship to be built on the right foundation, there is a need to involve the God-factor. Every tower should be built on a solid foundation so it doesn't fail or fall. Anyone leading you out of God's path should make you flee.

2. You cannot ignore the power of seeking God's face in every aspect of your life for direction and understanding.

3. You should both share the passion for God and encourage each other in growing spiritually. How?

4. Courtship is not a time to get involved in every sexual activities but a time to bond with God and to make things work.

5. Create time to share the word together, pray and talk on what God has been showing you, if there is a need to.

6. You can read spiritual books together and talk about the effects. Encourage each other. Buy books for each other. Have a prayer note.

In this way, you can grow better in your spiritual life before and after marriage.
Don't spend the night in your partner's house in the name of "A Vigil or Prayer activity", you may have to ska-bash right in bed.


Well, Ska-bash is inevitable .
Is sleeping in my partner's house wrong?
Well, sometimes things are not done because it's a sin but because of what it can lead to. It will definitely lead you to the wrong ties.
So why start what you can't finish?
Proverbs 6:27 "Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not get burned?"
So you see, spending the weekend can burn you up or are you a stone?
Well, Let me give you some personal tips.

1. Deliberately hang out rather than stay indoors.

2. Try hosting friends and family members during your visit to stop every form of moosh-moosh (sexual urge).

3. What happens when there is long distance? You definitely can't go back. What next?

4. One person stays at a friend's place or a hotel.
Bottom line: Don't try pre-marital sex to keep your relationship. You are on your own
These are just some of the few tips you can try to avoid temptations.
This is not about theories but reality.
It's not easy but it's worth pleasing God for a better future.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Importance Of Praise From Parents

We always say,”for every successful man, behind him is a woman and vice versa”. Likewise, for every successful child, there is a parent.

Encouraging your children always have a great effect in their lives. Praising your children when they do something to be proud go a long way in their lives.
You praise children for what they do, for the efforts they make to improve their abilities. It must not be flattery or manipulation.
According to Bill Newman, studies have shown that for every negative things you say to a child, you must say four positive things to keep the balance.

Parents, don’t criticise your children.
If they did something that need to be appreciated but you don’t, they won’t want to please you more, because they have it in mind that you won’t praise them. Even when you need to correct them on what they do wrong, please do that in love. Don’t call them what they are not. It’s what you call them they become in one way or the other.
Therefore, appreciate God in their lives.

Posted By: Patt  Ogar Eyaba

Best People Give You Memories

There are people you meet in your life that stick closer than a brother. They are not perfect but their presence gives you good memories. They make you become a better “YOU”. I am happy to have met such people and I am sure you have too.

So treasure such friends, family and loved ones and keep them close.

The rationale behind men dumping women

Ace comedian Ali Baba took time to explain the rationale behind men leaving women with 'dream bodies' like Amber Rose and Blac Chyna..He wrote on Instagram

"I would have just left this picture to do the talking since they say a picture can tell, but in these days of photoshopping and half processed thoughts, one needs to make it explicitly clear for the import of some messages to sink home. I have said it before, no matter how beautiful a car is on the outside, if the engine don "knock", it's just a beautiful car. Not a functional car. Same way you will meet a girl with all the attributes, but her head no dey house, so when those wire touch. You go hear am. She may be a 38DD, but a DinDinrin in R-E-S-P-E-C-T department.

 A babe with great figure may not be able to figure out how to manage money. She is only a gimme gimme gimme. Faithfulness is not a given. So, if a babe has all the curves in the right places, it doesn't mean you can place her on a relationship curve. There are a lot it takes to keep a man. For some men, the "5B Basic rule" suffices. Brains. Behavior. Beauty. Body. Business mind. All other things can follow. If you have the milk shake, curves and are well endowed, they SURELY will bring all the boys in da yard... (More)

But keeping them in the yard is another whole nine yard FINALLY! Let's look at a scenario where you meet a lady with all that you see in this picture and finally, you REALIZE that she does not have what will make you want to run back home always after work. Go figure! Oh by the way, this is a two way street. There are guys who look like Denzel Washington, But will beat you black and blue. Had to say that before some people use me to catch groove again about my always talking of women. But seeing that I am not into men, I will leave that to those so inclined!

Very often we meet people who go "Ahhh now! How can he walk out on such a sweet sexy girl?" Hey! Slow down! Try, spend a week with that same girl, you will repent! Sexy DOESNT make hot meals o! Don't think everything is as they seem OO. The duck in the pool may be gliding smoothly but under the water away from your eyes, the ducks feet are extra busy just to keep the cool duck going... In conclusion I will say, until you walk a few steps in some people's shoes, don't blame them for walking so slow or too fast or not taken a step.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

There is glory in you.

        Pause and wonder why Jesus delayed for two days after they told him the friend he loved was sick?

Home guy was trying to prove something to people.

It is cool to heal the sick, but it is something very MEGA when you raise the dead, especially one that's dead for days.

It's all about the DESIRE to reveal the GLORY of God so that people can see, because if it not seen, it is not glory. ‎

It was all about SHOWMANSHIP!!

I told you God created man for two things,
Fellowship and Showmanship.

The quality of your fellowship determines the quality of your showmanship.

Your spiritual influence determines your social relevance.

The whole essence of creation is for man to EXHALE what God INHALED inside him in Genesis 2 verse 7.

Don't be careful about it.

Don't apologise for being who God created you to be, A CONDUIT of GLORY.

The most tragic thing that can happen to anyone is to have something on the inside that the world will never see.

Don't join the league of cowards and religious people who feel uncomfortable when they are not the subject of fame and popularity‎.

There is glory in you.

Don't SHRINK so that others won't feel uncomfortable.

SHOW yourself, Expose yourself! Shine your light!

It is in all of us, because we are all God's children. ‎

The lion does not take permission from the monkey before roaring. He doesn't even apologise to the sleeping Cheetah.

Roar without permission and apology!  ‎

That is the state of mind!

#GloryStateOfMind ‎

@femijubal ‎


By: Prince Kufre Aks


Success is not a matter of chances, it is a matter of choices; Sam Adeyemi said that. Tough times never last but tough people do; Robert Schuller said that. Life never gives you what you deserve but what you decide; Fela Durotoye said that. So you're wondering, what then did I say? You really want to know, keep reading.
In life, you need to be yourself when ever and where ever you find yourself.

Vision is very important in everyone's life and I liken a vision to a dream but a dream to me is not what you see when you are asleep but what keeps you awake until it is accomplished. What kind of vision do you possess?

Everyone is on a mission but a lot of people never accomplish their mission because they don't know and understand it. Why are you here and what are you doing?

Action is what makes your vision or dreams realities so until you act on your dreams, nothing will happen. ACT NOW.

Do you now know what I say?

You are a success so show the world you are.

Think positive. Think possible

Amber Rose on how heartbreak has changed

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Aw Professional Dancer With Huge Birth Mark On Her Face Refuses Surgery

Says She Is Proud of The Way She Looks.
A professional dancer has refused to have plastic surgery to remove her birthmark as she has chosen to embrace her individuality. Cassandra Naud, 22, says she loves her unique appearance and even credits her birthmark for making her memorable in her industry.

The dancer, from Alberta, Canada, who was once told by a casting agent to digitally erase her birthmark from her headshots, says that she believes it is a positive attribute.

'My birthmark is a huge part of me. It makes me unique and memorable, which is especially important for the career I've chosen. People come up to me in the street and ask me about it. I don't shy away from questions - it's natural to be curious.

'It's covered in hair which makes it difficult to disguise, but I honestly don't mind. I know some people might feel sorry for me, but I'm confident in how I look', she said.

Angelina Jolie reveals she's removed her ovaries

Two years after having both breasts removed via double mastectomy, Angelina Jolie has also removed her ovaries. With her ovaries and Fallopian tubes now gone, the mother of six will not be able to have any more children.In a personal essay published in the NewYork times she writes
I had been planning this for some time. It is a less complex surgery than the mastectomy, but its effects are more severe. It puts a woman into forced menopause. So I was readying myself physically and emotionally.

Then two weeks ago I got a call from my doctor with blood-test results. “Your CA-125 is normal,” he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. That test measures the amount of the protein CA-125 in the blood, and is used to monitor ovarian cancer. I have it every year because of my family history.But that wasn’t all. He went on. “There are a number of inflammatory markers that are elevated, and taken together they could be a sign of early cancer.” I took a pause. “CA-125 has a 50 to 75 percent chance of missing ovarian cancer at early stages,” he said. He wanted me to see the surgeon immediately to check my ovaries
In my case, the Eastern and Western doctors I met agreed that surgery to remove my tubes and ovaries was the best option, because on top of the BRCA gene, three women in my family have died from cancer. My doctors indicated I should have preventive surgery about a decade before the earliest onset of cancer in my female relatives. My mother’s ovarian cancer was diagnosed when she was 49. I’m 39.
I called my husband in France, who was on a plane within hours. The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters. It is polarizing, and it is peaceful.

Last week, I had the procedure: a laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. There was a small benign tumor on one ovary, but no signs of cancer in any of the tissues.

It is not possible to remove all risk, and the fact is I remain prone to cancer. I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system. I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. I know my children will never have to say, “Mom died of ovarian cancer.”
Regardless of the hormone replacements I’m taking, I am now in menopause. I will not be able to have any more children, and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at ease with whatever will come, not because I am strong but because this is a part of life. It is nothing to be feared.
I feel deeply for women for whom this moment comes very early in life, before they have had their children. Their situation is far harder than mine. I inquired and found out that there are options for women to remove their fallopian tubes but keep their ovaries, and so retain the ability to bear children and not go into menopause. I hope they can be aware of that.
It is not easy to make these decisions. But it is possible to take control and tackle head-on any health issue. You can seek advice, learn about the options and make choices that are right for you. Knowledge is power.

Culled from the Nytimes

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Former Osun Gov. Oyinlola Olagunsoye Returns To School

Former Osun State Governor, Prince Oyinlola Olagunsoye is a student again.  The former Governor and former PDP chieftain was among the students of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Osogbo, Osun State campus who recently got admission into the university.

While addressing matriculating students, the Centre Director of the campus, Dr. Yemisi Pitan, advised the former Governor and other matriculating students to focus on their studies and be good ambassadors of the institution, as the centre would not tolerate laziness and anti- social behaviour.

Oyinlola,65, is going for a postgraduate Diploma in Theology. According to him, he says he decided to study Theology to know God more, and he could become a preacher of the gospel in the nearest future. We wish him all the best.

What Time Does It Take You To Get Over A Breakup?

Woman captures mystery face in the clouds

 During the recent solar eclipse in the UK , a woman was left dumbfounded after a picture she took had a strange face embedded in the clouds...
Gemma, 40 from Newcastle, told the Mirror:
 "I wasn't particularly impressed as there were lots of clouds. I was just taking pictures to see what I could see.
"I had three and that was the first one. I don't think it looks like anyone in particular but I was amazed by the detail.I showed it to my husband Craig - he saw it straight away and normally he's quite cynical
Can you spot the face?If you can't see the pic below and decide if it's a face or just an illusion 

GEJ ,Please Leave Entertainers Alone- Etcetera

Once again, Nollywood and President Jonathan are disconnected from the priorities of Nigerians. Millions are hungry and the country is headed off a cliff and what we get is the President having weekly dinner with celebs at Eko Hotel. Mr. President should know that all entertainers in the country won’t amount to a spoon of water in the bucket of our population.

I agree that our entertainers judging by recent behaviour are now seen as hungry men and women with insatiable appetite, but Mr. President, the larger part of the society are equally hungry and should be fed as well. Why feed just the entertainers? Isn’t that discrimination? What will the entertainers say to Jonathan except the usual lies and half truths? Can a man with a mouthful of undeserved food speak or say the truth?

An assessment of the lifestyle of these entertainers gives a false picture of the situation of things as it affects the society at large. I got your invite for the first dinner which held at Eko Hotel and I boycotted it because I felt that any event by the government at this point in time should be about reassuring the people that the government feels their pains deeply with promises of working tirelessly to bring an end to the underlying causes of such situations in this country, not getting together to eat small chops and samosa while most Nigerians are languishing.
It was very embarrassing waking up the next morning to see our shameless celebrities posing with their invites on social media which invariably means they are telling their fans and the masses who brought them to fame that they are enjoying the good life and everyone else can go to hell.
One entertainer jokingly asked why the President is having these dinners with (the same set of) celebs all the time. I wanted to attribute it to youth empowerment but on a second thought, If Mr. President has a genuine interest in youth empowerment, hosting a few entertainers doesn’t cut across as empowering the youth.

 I think Mr. President has been wrongly advised that entertainers can be used to influence the Nigerian youths and electorate. These entertainers can’t influence votes within their families. Another thing is, if Mr. President must have an interactive session with entertainers, he should consider a larger representation of entertainers from all parts of the country, not just those who ply their trade in the south. It will seem to most people that Mr. President is only interested in entertainers from the south. It is called the Nigerian entertainment industry not the South South and South East entertainment industry.

Has Mr. President taken over responsibilities of the Lagos State governor because he currently seems to enjoy greater visibility in the state than the governor and these visits come with a heavy cost to the state in terms of lost man hours caused by traffic along the routes to the event venue. Streets are usually cordoned off by security personnel and a strange difficulty to use mobile phones in such areas, possibly because of the deployment of radio signal jamming devices by the operatives on guard in those areas. Residents of Lagos shouldn’t go through this because their President is in town. I’ll love to tell Mr. President that service, not celebrities, delivers votes.

Posted By: Patt Ogar Eyaba

Friday, March 20, 2015

Popular dance hall singer spends millions for goat horn implant

Please, why should a man turn himself into a goat? 29-year-old Dancehall artiste Furtyle Brain got real goat horns implanted into his head so he can stand out and be a bigger artiste. The implant was done in Jamaica by a Canadian-based surgeon.

"It's really the process where the implants are implanted in the skull. I was sedated during the surgery but had to be given lots of painkillers when I was revived because it is very painful," he said.

On why he did the surgery which has come with a lot of backlash, he said:

"I do believe that I got some form of prophetic instruction by God. I didn't do this alone. There are some people who think that I am demonic, but it doesn't bother me much as I am not the first artiste who is picked on. There are others who have done far less than I have done and have received a backlashing and bashing."

3rd Season Of Raw Impact

nother awesome time as youths in Abuja converged for the 3rd season of Raw Impact Africa, a youth program designed to empower the African youths through Knowledge. It was a Valentine edition with the theme Valentine, Sex and Love. The Guest was Pastor Mrs Patience Olarenwaju Gold. our Spiritual father Prophet Anthony Olarenwaju Gold was also on hand to help with the questions invited guest asked. It featured Red carpet, Premiere of the short film MY VALENTINE, Music, Comedy, dance and Being the best with Anosong Bookish. The Host was Emmanuel Eyaba. Excerpts from the show...

posted By: Patt Ogar Eyaba


Casts your votes and go home. -IG tells Nigerians

 In the past, after voting during elections, many Nigerians stay back at the polling booths,to witness the votes being counted. But the Inspector General of Police,Suleiman Abba has said no one should wait at the polling booths.

Two to three police officers will be attached to each polling unit, and we would provide more officers for the collation centres and for the managers of the elections.
“We will go on to protect the electorate. Every eligible voter should feel safe enough to cast his votes. We will be there to protect the votes and make sure no one disrupts the process.
“Cast your votes and go and cool down. If you remain there, there is a likelihood that you will commit an offence.’’
“Asking voters to wait and protect their votes implies taking the law intotheir own hands. It is unacceptable. “We have heard some people are threatening to declare election results; we hope it is not true. If you don’t accept the declared result by INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission), the best way is to proceed to the tribunal.

In advanced democracies, people don’t take the law into their own hands but resort to tribunals.

“The refusal to accept the result and resort to extrajudicial activities is a threat to the electoral process. But where they don’t heed the appeal, the police will act within the law to protect the electoral process.”

Thursday, March 19, 2015


November Productions to hold auditions for teenagers in Abuja

November Productions invites young actors/actresses aged 16 to 19 for an audition for a new television drama series for teens .

Date: Saturday 21st March 2015.

Time: 11 am

Venue: Barbados Lounge, 139b Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, opposite Cubana night club Wuse 2, Abuja.

Note: This audition is just for teenagers who are talented, well-spoken in English and fresh.

Posted by: Patt Ogar Eyaba

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

 doctor warns against having too much sex

Kim has admitted her doctor has warned her against having too much sex in a bid toget pregnant.She revealed she and Kanye have been having sex u to 15 times a day.. She told E News

The doctors said he thinks I'm having sex too much. He said one time is more powerful...so we've tried everything.

'I've done everything so perfect to try and get pregnant. There's a list of things you shouldn't be doing and I was perfect for eight to 10 months and now I don't understand.
'I'm going to do everything that I want to do and that includes going platinum. Hopefully I will get pregnant doing all the wrong things. I'm totally changing my tactics.
'I'm over it. I'm over trying, overthinking it, hence why I dyed my hair blonde.'
 'Literally teenagers on meth get pregnant in two seconds. It's crazy. When you don't want to be pregnant, it happens.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day comes once a year. Some think that if they buy their mother flowers and a card that they have fulfilled their obligation for the rest of the year. If we only comprehended a 10th of what our mothers did for us as children, and how they would literally die for us if needed, we would realize that one day is not sufficient. Mothers Day should be a time to remind us that we have been neglecting our duties as sons and daughters. This relationship is sacred let us honor our mothers.

posted by: Patt
Ogar Eyaba

Friday, March 13, 2015

Kathy Griffin also quits Fashion Police

Did Guliana Rancic's statement on Zendaya's hair finally bring Fashion police to an end?Seems so because new host Katty Griffins has also quit after 7 episodes..She announced on twitter

"After seven episodes of Fashion Police, I discovered that my style does not fit with the creative direction of the show and now it’s time to move on,'
When I chose to step into the shoes of my beloved friend Joan River at Fashion Police, I was thrilled to continue her legacy as a woman being brash and eccentric on television.

I am a freedom loving female and gay rights activist who loves to find the funny in all people, attitudes, beliefs, and appearances, but only when the context permits intelligent humor.'

I thought that I could bring my brand of humour to Fashion Police so that beautiful people in beautiful dresses could be teased when appropriate. My brand of humour, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about CONTEXT.

'There is plenty to make fun of in pop culture without bringing people's bodies into it. Again people… context! Listen, I'm no saint - I'm a feminist AND a Gurrrrl who loves an offensive joke or a well-timed barb and you will find plenty in my repertoire. But I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference.

Thursday, March 12, 2015



It’s never good to compare your marriage to anyone else’s, because all relationships are different, especially behind closed doors. Even the happiest couples can have dark times, and it can be stressful trying to figure out whether you’ll weather stormy moments or capsize when things get rough. Here are five ways to tell that your marriage will make it. We’re crossing our fingers for you!

1.You don’t turn into strangers when your pals are around. One of the best indicators of a good marriage is how you behave and feel when you are with both your close friends and your partner. Most people feel very relaxed and authentic around their best friends. If you were out to dinner with a couple of close girlfriends and then your husband joined you, ideally your behavior would change very little. Sure, the topics of conversation might be a little different, but your basic personality and comfort level and way of interacting should be similar. You should be able to joke the same and talk about things that are important to you whether or not your spouse is with you. If you find yourself censoring yourself and feeling tense, that might be an indicator that something is a little off in your marriage.

2. You’re not constantly saying sorry. There’s nothing wrong with apologizing here and there for mistakes that you’ve made. It’s actually a sign of good awareness of how your behaviour affects others (a great marker for a healthy relationship). Also, being courteous and grateful for the help that your partner gives you is a good thing. The problem occurs when you apologize for things that clearly aren’t a big deal, or you over-apologize. You should feel natural and at ease around your partner with the knowledge that they have a level of forgiveness and understanding of you. However, if you find yourself apologizing frequently you need to consider why that might be. Ask yourself: Are you afraid of disappointing your spouse? If so, why is that? Why would the stakes be so high if you were to make a small mistake?

3. You can tell what your spouse is feeling. Of all people in this world the person you are married to should have a strong level of awareness of how you feel. It’s not unusual for married couples to not understand why their partner feels they way he or she does. It’s also not uncommon to struggle to perfect the skill of noticing when your partner is upset, hurt, or in pain of some kind. However, once your spouse does realize that you are experiencing emotional or physical pain, they should feel empathy and concern. It takes work in a relationship to know what to do with that empathy (how to help your partner), but you should be able to feel or imagine your spouse’s discomfort once you are aware it exists, and want that discomfort to go away.

4. And you give each other ALL OF THE FEELS. Your marriage should be a way you are able to experience many emotions. Sure, it’s best if there aren’t a ton of negative emotions. You do want some variety in your emotions when you’re with your spouse because this indicates a degree of balance. If you just experience “joy” and “fun” when you’re with your partner that might be a great thing, but you’re likely missing out of other ways to experience intimacy. An example of a range of feelings and states that may represent a balanced marriage would be joy, laughter, passion, excitement, sadness, fear, stability.

5. If you get arrested, he’s automatically your “one phone call.” The last sign of a healthy marriage is whether or not you’re able to ask your partner for favors and help when you’re in time of need, or for an ear to listen to you when you need to vent. If you find that you’re calling all your friends or asking your relatives anytime you need anything to the point where your spouse is a last option, then that’s a bad sign.

6. When you see yourself struggling too had to keep a marriage, know they is a problem and that marriage will not last.

7. When you begin to feel happier hanging out with friends or collleques or you prefer to chat when he or she.

Posted by: Emmanuel Eyaba

Personal Mantras That Inspire the Courage to Overcome Fear and Change Your Life

A personal mantra is a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you say to yourself for the purpose of motivation or encouragement. This could be your favorite quote, proverb, spiritual truth or religious saying that motivates and inspires you to be your best self. Today I wanted to share a few (okay, a lot) of the ones that HBW readers have so generously posted here on the blog as we have taken the challenge to reset our lives as an online community. Enjoy and be inspired!

“Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening…Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed.” – Alice Walker (via Miss Lucy)

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.” (via GG)

“Take the shoes off of your teeth and quit running your mouth about what you are going to do and put them on your feet and take some steps or run towards accomplishing your goals.” (via Dr. Cynthia)
“I choose to LIVE.” (via Sharon)

“I am flexible and flowing, open to the new and changing, at peace, and I trust in the process of life. Every moment is a new opportunity to become who I am. I move, with life.” (via N)
“It’s time for you to move, realizing that the thing you are seeking is also seeking you.” – Iyanla Vanzant (via Kim)

“My time is limited and I will not allow the noise of others’ opinions drown out my own inner voice. I will have the courage to follow my heart and intuition.” (via LaToya)

“Action conquers fear” — Peter Nivio Zarlenga (via Christen)
“I am willing to forgive. Forgiveness of myself and others releases me from the past. Forgiveness is my gift TO me, FOR me. I forgive, and I am free.” (via N)

“The creator of the universe is lining up things in my favor.” – Joel Osteen (via Rosalyn)

“Action is the antidote to despair.” – Joan Baez (via Jeannie)

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki (via ArtDeal)

” Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action. Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them. Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us.” – Orison Swett Marden (via Nesochi)

“Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period.” – Joel Osteen (via Kim)

“I am not who I’m going to be. I am always becoming.”- Ruby Dee (via SolStar5)

“I am enough.” (via Elle)

“If you give your fear legs, it will run away with your dreams.” (via Spring Flowerchild)

“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” – Maya Angelou (via StacyAustralia)

“You were born with potential, You were born with goodness and trust, You were born with ideals and dreams, You were born with greatness, You were born with wings, You were not meant for crawling so don’t, You have wings, Learn to use them and fly.” – Rumi (via Teri)

“I AM everything He created me to be.” (via MidWestDominicana)

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw (via Tara)

“Nothing great was ever achieved by being realistic!” – Tom Venuto (via Chivon)

Photo Contest

Deadline: April 10, 2015

Would you like the chance to share your vision of our future with world leaders in Brussels? Photos can often tell stories that can’t be told any other way. European Development Days (EDD15) invites you to share your story with the world, and show us your vision of the relationship between food and sustainability. You will have the possibility of submitting photos in one of three categories: how the food we eat affects the environment, society or the economy.

The six talented finalists of the EDD15 Photo Contest will be invited to attend Europe’s largest development forum, European Development Days 2015 on 3 & 4 June where their photos will be exhibited and they will have the opportunity to meet key actors in development and share their ideas for our future!


Entrants must be between the ages of 15 and 25 at the time of entry.
Entrants from all countries and territories are welcome to participate in the competition.
photo entries must be submitted with captions and texts in one of the 5 official contest languages: English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish.

For the Finalists

The prize to be awarded to each finalist (One finalist per continent) is a trip to Brussels in order to attend European Development Days on 3 and 4 June 2015 (accommodation, travel and a stipend for incidentals will be covered).
Finalists under the age of 18, arrangements (including accommodation, travel and a stipend for incidentals) will be made for an accompanying parent or guardian .
Finalists based outside the European Union who will require a visa to travel to Brussels are responsible for securing their own visas and should begin this process immediately after having been notified that they have won. The European Commission will assist by providing the necessary documents for the visa application.
For the Winner

the winner of the EDD15 vote during the conference, will be awarded is a trip to the World Expo in Milan in October 2015 (accommodation, travel and a stipend for incidentals will be covered).
If the winner is under the age of 18, arrangements (including accommodation, travel and a stipend for incidentals) will be made for an accompanying parent or guardian.
How to Enter

Entries can be submitted under one of the three sub-categories: how the food we eat affects the environment, society or the economy.
Click here to submit entries.
Photo entries must be of minimum resolution 1170 x 1656 pixels (2 megapixels). Participants are encouraged to submit their photo in higher quality if they are able to, with resolution 3509 x 4967 pixels (17.5 megapixels), as the winning photos will be printed in A1 format to be exhibited during the conference.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The Husband demands for Submission, the wife wants Love, the family is thrown into disarray. What will you do? It’s another experience of Raw Impact Africa, coming up this Sunday 15th March 2015 at Masters Lodge auditorium, Lugbe FHA, Abuja. Red carpet begins 5pm. Featuring Movie Premiere, Music, Comedy, dance, performances, talk show, Being the Best with Anosong,https://www.facebook.com/pages/Being-the-Best-with-Anosong/331482477040102, etc.

Guest Speaker Jakky Bankong Obi, https://www.facebook.com/kenosprings?fref=ts.

Host Eyaba Emmanuel (DGN).

Raw Impact…Impacting the African youths for greater possibilities. You are invited…

Marriage Mistake

Dodging important conversations about money.

"Money is emotional. When a couple gets married, they bring their personal attitude and approach to finances into the union. If an understanding and agreement about how money will be earned, used, saved, and spent isn’t clear and agreed upon early on, you may be headed for trouble later on. The most contemptuous divorces I see are around the abuse and misuse of money. Undiscussed financial issues can become larger than life and tear even the most devoted couples apart. To avoid financial conflict, don’t keep money a mystery in your marriage. It's critical for a couple to build a realistic budget, create joint short- and -long term financial goals (and stick to them), consistently put money aside in case of an emergency (a job loss or illness) and review these things every so often." -Gabrielle M. Clemens, certified divorce financial analyst

80 children rescued from a BH camp in Cameroon can't remember their names

80 children who were freed from Boko haram camp in Northern Cameroon by Cameroonian soldiers in November 2014 cannot remember their names or where they are from and are yet to be united with their families and loved ones.

According to Christopher Fomunyoh, a director for the US-based National Democratic Institute, the children range from 5-18 years of age and do not speak English, French or any local language.

Mr Fomunyoh in an interview with BBC's Randy Joe Sa'ah in Yaounde, Cameroon said the children had spent so long with their captors and have been indoctrinated into jihadist ideology that they had lost track of who they were.
"They've lost touch with their parents. They've lost touch with people in their villages, they're not able to articulate, to help trace their relationships, they can't even tell you what their names are."he said He said they are now in an orphanage where they are being rehabilitated.

David and P Diddy

by: Part Oga Eyaba

Apostle Johnson Suleman Prophecies for 2021

  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.