Saturday, April 25, 2015

I'm a Woman- Bruce Jenner tells it all in explosive Diane Sawyer interview

Olympic gold medalist and Patriach of the Jenner/Kardashian clan, Bruce Jenner, revealed in an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer, that he identifies as a woman. The 65 year old who spoke infront of millions of viewers, including his first four children from his first wife, said;
'To all extents and purposes, I am a woman. My brain is much more female than it is male. That's what my soul is. Bruce lives a lie. She is not a lie. 'I can't do it anymore.'
"I've always been very confused with my gender identity since I was little."

"God is looking down making little Bruce. He gave me all these wonderful qualities. Then at the end, he looked at me and said, 'Hey, let's give him the soul of a female and see how he deals with that..
"You know what... it's going to be tough. I've been thinking about this day forever and what I should do with my life. How do I tell my story, how do I tell people what I've been through... And that day is today.' He said. He then asked Diane for a tissue and used it to wipe his tear-filled eyes. He continued: 'We have to keep our sense of humor about this. Me of all people - Bruce Jenner - has to deal with these issues.'

"As of now I have all the male parts, but I still identify as female." Despite having a female soul', Bruce said he 'hates' describing himself as a woman stuck in a man's body. 'I'm a person and that's who I am,' he said. 'I'm not stuck in anyone's body. It's just me
"I was a lonely little boy. I'm a lonely big boy. I don't socialize a lot. I never fit in. I like to play golf, but 99% of the time I play by myself."

"I was never attracted to guys. I've always felt heterosexual. I am not gay. I've never been with a guy. I've always been with a woman, raising kids. Sexuality is who you're attracted to, but gender identity is about who you identify with." "I told my mom she didn't cause this."
"I was trying to block out my feelings with the obsession to be an Olympic athlete."
He said his first wife, Christy, was the first person he told.

"My gender was a big part of my break up" to Linda Thompson in 1984. "I wasn't as fair to my ex-wives as I should have been. I've apologized to everybody. I've raised wonderful children This is not a publicity stunt.. The first child I ever told was Kimberly. She caught me one time. It was like this big secret in the family that we never talked about again until years later."
"Kris is a good woman." According to him, when he met Kris Jenner, he was on hormones and had size 36B breasts. He said he had been on female hormones for the past 5 years.
Bruce said the most supportive family member by far in his transition journey has been Kim Kardashian ... and it's all thanks to Kanye West.

He took Diane Sawyer inside his closet where he has 2 wardrobes. 1 with male clothing and another with female clothing.
While Kris Jenner had "no comment" on the Diane Sawyer interview, Bruce's first two wives sent in well wishes."

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