Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Shooting for the cinemas is shooting on very high budget…It will cost you. The video image for cinemas is shot in 8k (UHD) and exported in 4K (UHD) output.

Filmmaking is business but as long as you find partners and investors in any project you’re to embark upon then sky is the limit… Since your target audience is the cinemas. Your approach will be different.

Steps sketch

0 . Make sure your own film production company name is properly registered. Anyone can be a producer so fasten your seat belt.

1 . Make sure your killer screenplay (script) has been copyrighted… Lots of predators out there.. Your story could be snatched just like that.. All they need do is refurbish it and produce it. You won’t even know, You loose before you even had the chance to begin.

2 . Visit Active film distribution companies like

Silverbird Distribution

Blue pictures distribution

Filmone Distribution

Golden effects

Metroclassic pictures

The Audrey Silva Company (TASC),

G-Media Film Distribution
Fixing an appointment with either of these companies can prove to be something else, especially when you’re not a popular name. These guys have their network across the international and they are so different from the alaba boys or local marketers who will jump at about anything. But if the cinema is your target, research and go through this guys. They do have connection with high end production companies and cinemas.

3 . These guys do have their names to protect, find a way to pitch your script in an amazing way and verify your interest to produce it with the distribution company… Be ready to defend it and If they do like it and it meets their standards… They’ll first give you the option of buying it entirely from you. Do not be desperate and do not give them that chance. Remember your screenplay is copyrighted.. If they use it behind you, you can sue them. The script (screenplay) will be analysed thoroughly for errors so it can be corrected, modified, of course with your permission and the permission of the script, weeks later you will be quoted on three stages

Pre Production
Post Production
In a situation where you’re not entirely capable of producing the film, the film has good prospects and they have deep interest in it, you will both be talking about percentage on co ownership of the film. They may have a higher percentage on it if your financial input is on the low side. And in the end, most of the profits will go to them. This is okay but tread with caution here and don’t sign anything without a lawyer backing you up. Keep and guard all documents like your life depends on it.

4 . As long as there is the financial capacity on ground for execution, the distribution company is ever ready to work with you… They will do all the link ups with the production company that will shoot your film, even the link ups with the casting agency supplying your cast, (pre production – post production) e.t.c, all you need do is supervise. Review the signed contract thoroughly just so either of you does not breach it. Legal actions could stare you in the face and you will loose all you invested in the film.

5 . Plan a strictly by invitation movie launching party/premiere with the casts, the co production company and co producers after the film is ready to hit the cinemas… Here the goal is not merriment but to meet people, gain more connections and introduce your film to the world. Get potential people or dignitaries who will bless and shower you with money at the launching. Also get the press or a TV station to be present at the launching… These guys are blood thirsty vampires for news, they want to be the first to spread the word and they will do it for free if your content is dope. That is just the tip of the iceberg.

6. Ensure a theatrical trailer is created for the film by the production company and it is being pushed through billboards, e-billboards, poster. TV, blogs and websites.

7. Give the authority to the distribution company for your film to be Released to the cinema or cinemas based on your contract at a certain date or whenever it pleases you. Give your film a Chance and let your hard work pay off. The more your film tickets are sold, the more you smile to the bank.

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