Tuesday, September 15, 2015


A queen doesn't compete with her King. She complements her King.

She is not fighting for gender equality because by virtue of her position, she is already his equal.

She knows she is an active partner in the expansion and extension of the Kingdom, so becoming a member of a feminist movement is not her thing.

She is humble enough to follow her King's leading because she trust He is leading them somewhere.

She is not fighting for superiority because she doesn't feel inferior.

The King is not superior to her queen. The queen is not inferior. She is the King in a feminine form.

 A queen is not competing or struggling for her place in the Kingdom. She doesn't need a campaign to secure, or affirm her position. She is the Queen, and she's satisfied with her throne.

The King's throne doesn't look bigger or better than hers in her eyes.

He is her King, and she is satisfied sitting on her throne, beside him.

An excerpt.............

"If men are men, and women are women, we won't need any gender equality campaign.

What is the basis of the competition?

What exactly are we fighting for?"


You are not Jezebel, you are a daughter of Jerusalem.

You carry in you a gene, an improvement gene with the capacity to help your King run the affairs of the Kingdom better, easier, more effective, and wiser.

Don't join the league of women who are declaring a war on men because all the men in their past were common men, orangutans.

Your King will find you. The only thing you should do is BE his QUEEN.

Be who God made you to be.


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  Apostle Johnson Suleman has released a shocking prophecy ahead of 2023 election.