Friday, July 17, 2020

17th July, 2020
Scripture :Genesis 8: 4. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

Beloved, I welcome you to another moment of encounter! It was Creflo Dollar that said When we Rest God works, when we work God Rest! The mystery of rest for God to take  over your issues is a  serious matter that the Holy Ghost want us to consider today!

Our anchor scriptures reveals that the ark rested in the 17th day of the seventh month after 150days of flooding, being tossed by the flood! Today I have a good news for some one no matter the flood of life that is starring at you currently, you are coming out of it in the name of Jesus! Oh what a mess that your life is getting drawn with all manner of issues like a man watched his house submerged in an unexpected flood! The good news is that that flood will not swallow you and you are coming out of it in Jesus name.
 *Why did the ark rested?*

1. It rested so that God can work out the miracle of drying the flood! (Gen. 8:5):Until the ark rested, that was when the miracle of decreasing the flood began!  Listen to me child of God if you don't rest your case in God's hand God cannot give you that miracle that you desire! All the sleepless night that you are giving your self will only raise your Blood pressure. Your miracles begins the moment you learn to trust God and rest in Him.

 *How do I know this?*
 *Genesis 2: 21. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;*

 Until God made Adam to sleep, He could not give Him the miracle wife,called Eve! So God has to put him to sleep to be able to perform His miracle in His life! Do you desire a miracle? Then go and sleep and allow God to work!

2. God work best when you sleep over your problems(Acts12:6-10); Until Apostle Peter went to sleep over his problem there was no miracle.

Acts 12: 6. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night *Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the* prison. 7. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

 How could you imagine a man who is expected to be kill the following morning sleeping with death sentence hanging over his life? It is because he has caught the mystery of resting over your problems!

Beloved, I don't know what is that problems that has be cloud your mind, what is it that is giving you sleepless night? Please go and sleep! Is it the doctor's report that is making your head run riot? Or people's opinion about you? Every body is entitled to his own opinion! And doctor's report is never God's report, therefore go and rest your self! Is it your rent issues, business issues, political issues, marital palavar! Please practice Peters principle, rest even in the face of life threatening issues!

Beloved, stop the worries and anxieties and rest in the Lord. Your lack of rest over that issue has delay the miracle God proposed because until you rest, God will not walk. And the ark rested on 17th day! Today, is that day, rest your issues in the arms of Almighty God.

 *Remember this* Heaven is real and hell is real, where do want to spend your eternity?
Father thank you for your word to me today, I repent of my worries and anxiety, and I rest in you Lord Jesus! Amen

 *Prophetic Declaration:*
- I prophesy the situation that look like it will soon swallow you will suddenly dry up in the name of Jesus.
- I don't care the medical verdict on your fruitfulness, receive your miracle babies now in the name of Jesus.
-That storm that came on your marriage is arrested now in the name of Jesus.
- Your business that appear to be going down, is springing up again in a miraculous way in the name of Jesus.
- This pandemic will not see your end! It will not get you drawn in the ocean of regret! You are bouncing back in the name of Jesus.

 *©Pastor Alex*

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